Frequently Asked Questions (2024)

General Event Info

What is the 127 Yard Sale?

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It’s literally, The World’s Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long. This unique event draws hundreds of thousands of people (shoppers/vendors) each year from all around the country.

When is the 127 Yard Sale?

Upcoming 127 Yard Sale dates are as follows: 2024: August 1st-4th 2025: August 7th-10th 2026: August 6th-9th

Where is the 127 Yard Sale located?

The 127 Yard Sale takes place for the most part on Highway 127, hence the name, "127 Yard Sale". The route goes from Addison, MI to Gadsden, AL. In Chattanooga, TN, Highway 127 ends and the 127 Yard Sale route continues on Lookout Mountain Parkway through Georgia and Alabama. To see the whole route check out the interactive route map. Also, don't miss the turn-by-turn driving directions through Georgia and Alabama.

What is the length of the 127 Yard Sale route?

It currently spans 690 miles, beginning 5 miles north of Addison, Michigan and ending in Gadsen, Alabama. See the 127 Yard Sale route map for more info.

The 127 Yard Sale began in 1987. Mike Walker, former Fentress County Executive in Jamestown, TN, planned the event to encourage travelers to bypass interstate highways such as I-40 and I-75 in favor of scenic routes that would take them through rural communities and allow them to experience what the small towns and cities had to offer. With state parks, historical attractions, scenic drives, waterfalls, opportunities for hiking and biking, rivers and lakes for boating, train rides, horseback riding, fishing, bluegrass music, arts and crafts festivals, and more, this provided a great opportunity to bring more visitors to Tennessee and the 127 Yard Sale route. Visitors from across the country as well as those who have traveled internationally to the sale, will enjoy both the yard sales and attractions along the 127 Yard Sale route.

When was the Lookout Mountain Parkway added to the 127 Yard Sale route?

The Lookout Mountain Parkway, named by Reader's Digest as one of America's most scenic drives, was added to the 127 Yard Sale route a few years after the sale began in 1987. The Parkway leaves Chattanooga as TN-148 and becomes several different highway numbers before reaching Gadsden, AL. See our directions through Georgia and Alabama for complete turn-by-turn directions.

Driving Directions through Georgia and Alabama

Full written, turn-by-turn directions to guide you from Gadsden, AL through Georgia and into Tennessee (and the reverse route) are available here: 127 Yard Sale Directions through Georgia and Alabama

Where are the yard sales?

Everywhere along the 127 Yard Sale route! In the front yards of people's homes, fields, pastures, on side streets along the route, in empty lots, at businesses, community parks, and town centers. Some areas will have large groups of vendors together which we call "Major Vendor Stops", while others will be set up separately. As you meander your way from one yard sale to the next, Highway 127 will take you through rural areas with beautiful scenery, so enjoy the ride.

What time do the yard sales open and close?

There's no set "opening" or "closing" time for the individual sales along the 127 Yard Sale route. Each vendor chooses the time they want to "open for business". However, typically vendors open between 8:00-9:00 AM and stay open until 5:00 PM on average. Some stay open late into the evening and even until dark.

What payment methods do vendors accept?

Like traditional yard sales, you can expect a lot of cash sales, but more and more vendors are accepting credit cards. Still, it's important to come with plenty of cash in various denominations. It's easier to haggle when a vendor sees that you have only a certain amount of cash.

What if I run out of space in my vehicle to store the items I've purchased?

There's no reason to stop shopping if you run out of storage space in your car, van, RV, or trailer. Along the route you will find shipping centers and of course the USPS. Consider bringing flattened boxes of different sizes, tape, and other packing materials in case you need it. USPS flat rate boxes are free and allow anything that fits in the box to ship no matter how much it weighs. Even if you don't need to ship items home you may still want to protect that precious antique or glassware that you've purchased.

How far should I plan to travel each day?

Generally, 50-75 miles is about as much ground as you can reasonably travel in a day. Traffic along the 127 Yard Sale route can slow down considerably in congested areas, but how far you can travel in one day is more dependent on what your personal goals are and how much ground you want to travel each day. If you want to stop at every yard sale then it will be impossible to cover the entire route in 4 days (the duration of the event). You may become intrigued with a specific area once you get to it and end up spending more time there than you initially planned. Our best advice is this: Make a plan based on your goals and the time you have allotted to travel. Decide in advance how much time you want to spend in each area and try to stick with your plan.

What kind of lodging will I find near the yard sales and should I make reservations?

There are plenty of accommodations located along the 127 Yard Sale route, from hotels and motels, cabins and campgrounds and bed and breakfast Inns. Making reservations is a wise decision but you need to have a plan and be disciplined to make your destination each night. If you wait until late in the day to find a room it may be more difficult and you may have to travel several miles off the 127 Yard Sale route to find accommodations.Note: Many hotels offer the ability to cancel a reservation prior to 6:00 pm on the day of your arrival which can be to your advantage if you find that you just can't make it to the location.Find lodging by browsing through our lodging listings. You can choose the state and/or regions you'll be visiting by making selections in the "Filter Results" section at the top of the page. Choose between the following categories: , , Vacation Rentals, and . Get started now!

Vendor Info

How do I become a vendor?

Anyone can be a vendor by simply having a yard sale in their yard, at their business, or setting up in a designated vendor space. Many communities have different locations where vendors from within and outside of that town or city can set up a booth. See our Vendor 101 page to learn how to get started.

How can I find a space on the route that I can rent during the 127 Yard Sale?

There are many rental space providers along the 127 Yard Sale route. Using this website you can either search for rental space providers or browse for rental space providers. Learn more by visiting the vendors page.

What items can I sell?

You can sell just about anything you want! At the 127 Yard Sale vendors sell all kinds of things including antiques & collectibles, apparel, arts & crafts, automotive parts/accessories, electronics, furniture, farm implements, glassware, jewelry & watches, housewares, musical instruments, computers, sporting goods, tools, toys, food, produce and much, much more. Note: Some cities and/or counties may require permits and/or have rules about what you can sell. It's advised that you check in the location you plan to sell.

When should I open and close?

We recommend opening by 8 AM and staying open until at least 5 PM or until the shoppers are gone.
This is one of the most commonly asked questions by shoppers. If vendors all open and close around the same time it sets the expectation for shoppers and is a win-win for everyone.

Rental Space Provider Info

How do I post a rental space listing?

Learn more by visiting our rental space providers page.

Frequently Asked Questions (2024)


How do you answer frequently asked questions? ›

How To Handle FAQs Effectively
  • Keep the structure logical, clear, and simple.
  • Make sure the answers are straightforward and concise.
  • For detailed explanations, provide a link to a guide or article.
  • Regularly update questions and answers with new information.
  • Organize questions into categories.
  • Provide a search bar.

How many questions should a FAQ have? ›

How many questions should a FAQ page have? I suggest at least 10 for a full FAQ page. Most businesses can find at least that number to answer concisely. The exact number is less important than being organized and concise.

What are basic FAQ questions? ›

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is a set of common/obvious queries your web visitors or customers may have. Some common examples include questions about service hours, shipping and handling, product details, return policies, etc., depending on the industry.

What is it called when a question has many answers? ›

Multiple choice (MC), objective response or MCQ (for multiple choice question) is a form of an objective assessment in which respondents are asked to select only correct answers from the choices offered as a list.

How long should FAQ answers be? ›

How long should I make the FAQ answers? Keep your users attention span in mind. Make your answers as brief as possible to help users scan the page and find answers quickly.

What is the best format for FAQs? ›

Use a question-and-answer format: This sounds obvious…but don't forget to write out actual questions with answers. When someone finds an FAQ page they want specific information, not a marketing pitch or a long story. 4. Keep answers short: Getting a straight, quick answer to your question is a relief.

How should you frame a FAQ? ›

Keep it Simple & Organized

So, keep your solutions brief and to the point. Ruthlessly chop down any overly wordy answers, and break-up longer answers into easy to consume paragraphs. Instead of stuffing as many answers as possible onto a single page, think about breaking up your FAQ section into skimmable sections.

What are frequently asked question lists? ›

It is a collection of common questions and answers not specific to a product, feature, or service. They usually cover payment policies, how to contact customer support, and refund policies.

What are the most frequently asked questions? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google
#QuestionMonthly Searches
1What to watch964,000
2What is my IP800,000
3When is Mother's Day 2024681,000
4How many weeks in a year486,000
96 more rows
Jul 18, 2024

Do FAQs have to be questions? ›

Your FAQ information doesn't necessarily have to appear in the traditional question-and-answer format.

What is the two question rule? ›

The Two-Question Rule: This means to follow a question with another question that probes for deeper understanding.

When a question has multiple answers? ›

Like a series of true/false questions

Multiple answer options could all be true, or all false, or any mix of true and false. This means that multiple answer questions function like a series of true/false questions, except that typically you have to get all of the decisions correct to earn the point.

What is it called when someone asks a question and then answers it? ›

The hypophora is a hyponym of a rhetorical question, characterized by the speaker posing a question for which is immediately answered by the speaker themself. Examples: “Do you always watch for the longest day of the year and then miss it?

How do you respond to common questions? ›

How to respond to questions effectively
  1. Prepare for tough questions. ...
  2. Pause before responding. ...
  3. Monitor your body language. ...
  4. Reword the question. ...
  5. Take more time if you need to. ...
  6. Acknowledge the other person's emotions. ...
  7. Answer a portion of the question. ...
  8. Ask questions about the question.
Aug 15, 2024

What does most frequently asked questions mean? ›

Meaning of FAQ in English

abbreviation for frequently asked question: a question in a list of questions and answers intended to help people understand a particular subject: If you have any problems, consult the FAQs on our website. Internet terminology.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.