New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (2024)

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (1)

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (2)

Introductions • Numbers 1-10


Introductions 1 rtl Complete the conversations.

My name's

I A Hello. -'-'I'm"---__ Adam.

2 B Hello. ____ name's Bonnie.

3 C Hello. My ____ Chris.

4 Unit 1 • Hello!

• am/are/is • Plurals

• What's this in English? • Good morning!

2 rtl Complete the conversations.

your My (x2) name

I A I'm Alex. What's

B Belle.

your name?

2 B _ _ __ name's Kate.

What's ____ name?

C Charlie.

3 H I'm Harry. What's your ____ ?

A name's Alfie.

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am/are/is How are you?

Nice to meet you 5 rt1 Put the words in order to make conversations.

3 rt1 Complete the conversations.

A Carl, this is Liliana Moretti.

C Hello, Liliana. My name's Carl Erikson.

L Hello, Carl. Nice you.

2 B Ruby, Husain Malouf.

R Hello, Husai n. meet you.

H you. 1 are / you / How E Hi, Ben. !Iow are you ?

thanks / Fine B , ElIa. And you?

OK / I'm / thank E you.

2 you / How / are C Hello, Michael. ___ ______ ?

3 C Liliana, Ruby. Ruby, well / very / you / And

M I'm , thanks. ______ ? Liliana.

L Hello, Ruby. Liliana Moretti.

R Hello. Ruby Harrison.

L you.

R And

4 Are these first names or surnames?

~ )eM Ella McKenna Luke Robert Bond- Ruby Johnson Alice -Harry Sophie Joshua Blackman (atherine 3 Alice/ Hi

R . How are you?

First names John How / you / are A I'm fine, thank you, Robert. ?

Surnames Smith thank / well / Very R you.

Unit 1 • Hello! 5

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Vocabulary What's this in English?

6 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.




5 6




Numbers 1-10

7 Write the numbers in full.


two seven

~ 6

Terminal 1 I

6 Unit 1 • Hello!



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8 ctl Write the numbers you hear.

4 g


9 Write what you see in the pictures.

!wo taxis

° IlB ••• 011 o

~. fJI"· .. ' ~···:o 00 Q'"C- 0-0

• 0

five hotels




~~5I~~f\~ ~& ~A~~~£!~~ ~&Cl~~~~ft


10 ctl Listen and write the words in the chart.

resta~FaAts I!etels Isl Izl i1z1

00se5 footballs restaurants hotels buses

taxis hospitals

sandwiches coffees

houses pizzas

teachers students


Listen and repeat. Unit 1 • Hello! 7

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Everyday English Good morning!

II ril Write the conversations.

12 ril Complete the conversations.

A cup of tea, please. ~ ", Have a nice day!

1 A What a lovely day today!

B It is, isn't it?

Goodbye! Gee~ meFAiAg! Good night! Good afternoon!

What a le'leiy ~ay tesay' Sleep well! 6

Bye! See you tomorrow' ;.. Bye! Sehou .Iater!

2 A ________________ _

B Yes. After school.

3 A ________________ _

B And you.

4 A ________________ _ 5 A 6 A ________________ _

B Certainly. B Bye! B Good night!

8 Unit 1 • Hello!

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Don't forget! Grammar

13 Complete the chart.

Verb to be Short form

I am

You Youre


14 Complete the sentences with words in the box.

[ 'm are 's

1 I~James.

2 What __ your name?

3 How __ you?

4 My name __ Katherine.

5 I __ fi ne, thanks.

6 __ you OK?

7 It a book.

15 Write the correct answer.

1 ~ name's Pablo.

a I b My

2 How are ?

a you b your

3 What _ _ your name?

a 's b are

4 __ 'm very well.

a I b My

S I'm fine, thank __ .

a you b your

6 What's na1ne?

a you b your

16 Underline the correct answer.

1 A Hello, Alice!

B I'm very well. / Hi, John!

2 A How are you, Alice?

B I'm fine, thanks. / Nice to meet you.

3 A Nice to meet you.

B I'm fine. / And you.

4 A Goodbye!

B Bye! See you tomorrow! / Thank you.

S A What's this in English?

B Is book / It's a book.


17 Write capital letters where they are necessary.

1 i'm peter. what's your name? I'm Peter. What's your nameP

2 my name's anna.

3 what's this in english?

4 it's a computer.

5 . how are you, mika?

6 i'm fine, thank you.

am IS my are

your Unit 1 • Hello! 9

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Countries • am/are/is • Her name's ... /She's from ... • Questions • Adjectives good/awful... • Numbers 11-30

Your world

Countries ACROSS

1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. 4 7

~ ,,- ,,-r.- ~

14 f.j U N G A R Y , r- r-


e-- - e-- e--- - .---- - -

17 I 8 10

- -9


I 11

- -



r- -~


2 ri'l Write the countries from the crossword in the correct column.

• •• •• • •• SpaiH ChiHa Japan

Listen and repeat.

10 Unit 2 • Your world





• •••


I .iI

• •••

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am/are/is Her name's . .. /She's from . . .

3 Write the words in the correct column.

she lames Tatiana her

Anna his Henry he I ~ I



4 Complete the sentences with the words His or Her.

a ~ name's Rosely. b name's Laszl6.

5 Complete the sentences with the words She, or He,.

a He's Simon. b __ Hayley.

6 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

I She's He's Her His

1 ~ name's Yong. He's from China.

2 __ name's Hayley. __ from Australia.

3 __ name's Karima. __ from Egypt.

4 name's Kevin. from the Umted States.

5 __ name's Rosely. _ _ from Brazil.

6 __ name's Simon. __ from England.

7 __ name's Tatiana. _ _ from Russia.

8 __ name's Laszl6. __ from Hungary.

c __ name's Yong. d name's Tatiana.

c Kevin. d Karima.

7 rtl Listen and match a question in A with an answer in B.


1 What's her name? Da His name's David.

2 Where's she from? OJb Her name's (aria.

3 What's his name? Dc He's from England.

4 Where's he from? Dd She's from Italy.

Unit 2 • Your world 11

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Listening At a party

8 rt1 Listen and complete the conversation.

J Hello! What's your name?

S My name's Svana.

J Hi, Svana. Jeff.

S , Jeff.

J are you, Svana?

S I'm , thanks.

J Where from, Svana?

S Oslo.

J Oh! [s that in Sweden?

S No! _____ in Norway, of course!

J Oh, yes! Look at that girl! Over there!

S Yes, name's Ingrid.

J from'

S Sbe from Norway too.

J Is she a friend?

S my sister.

J Oh!


9 rt1 Match a question in A and an answer in B.

A 8

1 What's his name? Da I'm hne, thank you. 2 Where's she from? [l]b His name's Henry.

3 How are you? Oc It's a dictionary.

4 Are you from Italy? Dd It's in London.

5 What's this in English? De She's from Japan.

6 Where's Buckingham Palace? Of Yes. I am. I'm from Milan.

12 Unit 2 • Your world

/ /

Adjectives good/awful

10 Write an adjective on the correct line.

I good really g99~


awful OK

fantastic bafl

©© really good

©©© @ ~ ~b~a~d __ _


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II ril Read about the people. Where are they? Write in a country - Egypt, Malaysia or England.

Where are they?

Ann and James are on holiday. They're in Europe. The weather is bad, but the hol iday is really good.The food is OK.

The building in the photograph is over 150 years old. It is the home of kings and queens. It's in the centre of the city.

'It's a fantastic bui lding,' says Ann.

They're in

Carla and Pedro are on holiday. They're In Africa. The weather is very good, and the holiday is great. 'The people are really nice,' says (aria, 'but the heat is awful:

The buildings in the photograph are in a desert near a town. They are 5,000 years old. They are the homes of dead kings

and queens.

Catherine and Anthony are 'on holiday. They're in Asia. The weather is OK, and the holiday is really good. The food is international. The buildings in the photograph are in a park They're new just 12

years old. They are offices for petrol companies and other businesses. 'The bui ldi ngs are beautiful,' says Anthony.

h .. ,,'r .. in

12 Are the sentences true (,I') or false (x )?

Ann and James (aria and Pedro

1 [2] They are on holiday.

2 0 They are in the United States.

3 0 The building is old.

4 D They are in England.

5 0 The holiday is really good.

6 0 The building is very old.

(atherine and Anthony

7 D They are in Europe.

8 D The holiday is awful.

9 0 The buildings are new.

Unit 2 • Your world 13

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Listening She's from Berlin

13 rtl Listen to Sofia and Adam. Underline the correct answer.

I She's from Berlin / Birmingham.

2 Sofia is a doctor / a teacher.

3 Her school/ hospital is in the centre of town.

4 Her students are from Germany / the US.

5 Adam is from Los Angeles / Sydney .

6 He's a doctor / a teacher.

7 His school / hospital is in the centre of town.

8 The building is awfu l /fantastic.

14 rtl Underline what you hear.

I He's / She's a teacher.

2 She's / He's a doctor.

3 Her / His name's Adam.

4 His / Her name's Sofia.

5 She's / He's married.

6 He's / She's married.

7 Her / His students are from the US.

8 His / He's from Sydney

14 Unit 2 • Your world

Everyday English Numbers 11-30

15 Match the numbers and the words.

19 26 12

16 15 30

25 28 20


16 Write the numbers.

23 tweHty-three

















17 seveHteeH

17 rtl Listen. Write the numbers you hear.

15 2~

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Don't forget! Grammar

18 Complete the chart.

Verb to be Short form

I I'm


He He's

She is



19 Complete the sentences with a word in the box,

[ 'm are 's is 're

1 How ~ you today?

1 _ _ very well, thanks,

2 Where __ you from, Suzanne?

I from France,

3 Where __ Jack and Maria on holiday?

They __ in Florida,

4 __ the weather good?

Yes, it __ ' It __ fantastic.

S Where __ they from?

Maria __ from Spain, Jack __ from Canada,

20 Write the correct answer.

1 A Where's Maria from?

B !:he '~ from Spain,

a He's b She's

2 A Is that man from Germany?

B No, from Italy,

a his b he's

3 A Is he a student?

B Yes. is Freddy,

a Hisname b He's name

4 A How are you today?


~ Fine, thanks, And you? b Thank you, OK?

S A Goodbye! Have a nice day!


a Very well, b Thank you. And you.


21 Write the word in English.

1 aco"'puter









22 Your and you're are pronounced the same /j'J :I. Complete the sentences with your or you're.

1 What's your name?

2 You're from Japan.

3 a student.

4 This is book.

S from Moscow.

6 Is this phone?

rtl Listen and repeat.

he's her

his she's Unit 2 • Your world 15

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Jobs • am / are / is • Vocabulary revision

All about you

• Questions and negatives • Social expressions (1)

ACROSS DOWN 1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.

-;- ,--

I'D 0 clr lo R -

" I I I I 5

"6 '7 - - -

18 I

r- I- -

r- r- -

- - r- r- -

r-I' I I I I I r-

r- - '--- r- '---

'--- '---

110 I I I I'

.. --

is or isn't? 2 Complete the sentences.

1 He ~ a bus driver. 2 She _ _ a police officer. 3 It __ a phone.

He a taxJ driver. She __ a shop assistant. It a camera.

16 Unit 3 • All about you

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Questions and negatives is/isn't

IDENTITY CARD 3 Complete the identity card.

)enkins SURNAME


SUR~IAME England

PHONE NUMBER 46, crossland Avenue,

London NWS 4PL JOB

I 020 7466 8322 FIRST NAME I 07773 266876


AGE I Engineer




4 Ci'J Write the questions a bout Paul in exercise 3. 5 Ci'J Correct the information about Paul.

1 What's his surHa",.? I His surname is Ford.

Jenkins. !lis surHa",. iSH't Ford. It's JeHkiHs.

2 ? 2 He's from Australia.

Paul .

3 ? 3 He's 23 . England.

4 ? 4 He's a student. 46, Crossland Avenue, London NWS 4PL.

5 020 7466 8322.

? 5 He's married.

6 ? . He's single.

07773 266876.

7 6 Ci'J Answer the questions about Paul. Use short

? answers. 26.

8 He's an engineer.

? I Is his surname Jenkins?

Yes, it is.

9 ? 2 Is he from Canada?

No, he isn't. No, he iSH 't.

3 Is he from London?

4 Is he 24?

5 Is he a student?

6 [s he an engineer?

Unit 3 • All about you 17

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Negatives and questions I'm not/they aren't

7 Make negative and positive sentences.

1 1/ not I a teacher. 1/ student I'm not a teacher. I'm a student.

2 Peter I not! a taxi d river. He I a bus driver.

3 We I not I from Spain. We I from Italy.

4 I I not married. I I single.

5 You I not I a nurse. You I a student.

6 Paul and Donny McNab l not l doctors. They I singers in a band.

8 Look at the photo of the band, Metro 5. Write the correct answer.

1 Paul and Donny ~a~re~ _ _ brothers.

a is b are

2 They ____ from Scotland. They're

from Ireland. a aren't b isn't

3 A Who are the singers in you r band? B We all singers!

a am b are

4 A Are you a bus driver? B a bus driver! I'm a builder!

a I no b I'm not

5 A Are you tired at the moment? B We tired! We're very happy! a aren't b isn't

6 Ba _ ___ married. Ronan is married.

a is no b isn't

18 Unit 3 • All about you

9 Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1 from / brothers / Where / the / are Where are the brothers from ?

They're from Ireland.

2 from / Bo / Sweden / Is

? No, he's from Australia.

3 his / job / What's

, ?

He's a nurse.

4 on / Where / tour / are / they

? They're on tour in the United States.

5 Lisa / band / Is / with / the

? No, she isn't. She's in Australia.

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Listening An interview with Ella

10 rt1 Listen to the conversation with Ella. Complete the information.

First name fila



Address 20Q Park Place

NY 11217

Work number 212-7&'6-

Cell phone <!I7-43&'-



Signature UlcvSmith

11 Complete the lines from the interview.

I know your first name's Ella, but what's

your surname ?

2 How are you, Ella?

3 And you live in Brooklyn, right ' What's your

- - -? 4 What's your _ ___ number at ____ ?

5 What's your phone number?

6 Now, you work in newspapers, but what's ___ _

- - - - ? 7 And, _ _______ married?

Vocabulary Revision

12 Complete the words from th is uni t.

\ / - 0 -'

/ \

1 It's a lovely day. I'm very ~ ~ 1'.- 1'.- l.

2 My book is good. It's very ~ ___ ..':. __ ~_~..t .

3 Metro 5 is a ~ _ ~ _ . All five of them are

.£_-~- ..':. -

4 New York is a ~_~_ . The ~_~_ where I live is

very small.

5 Mike is at work. He's very ~ _ ..':. __ .

6 My brother Tony is very !!_~ ____ ~~from

me. We aren't the same.

7 The train .£ _ _ ~ _ _ ~is in the centre of town.

8 A 'Where are you?'

B 'I'm J!. _ ...r:. _ ! Where are you?'

9 A 'CZ.0)lf(-r91.J' ?' B '! ' Id 'tU st d ' m sorry. on _ __ _ ______ .

10 Suzie is very .! _ ..£ _ _ .! _ . It's her birthday

tom orrow.

Unit 3 • All about you 19

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Everyday English Social expressions (1)

13 Cil Write a line from the box in the correct place.

I'm sorry. A E"P sf tea, please. Excuse me!

1 A A cup of tea, please. B That's 90p.

2 A _ _ _ _ _ _

B Don't worry. It's OK.

3 A Thank you very much.


20 Unit 3 • All about you

That's all right. I don't understand. I don't know.

4 A _ _ _____ ! Can I have the menu, please? B Certainly.

5 A C'.'<:0)IRc'91.J'? B I'm sorry. _ ____ _ _

6 A Excuse me! Where's the Regal Hotel? B I'm sorry. _ _ _ ___ _

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Don't forget! Grammar

14 Complete the chart.

Verb to be Positive Negative

I I'm not


He He isn't

She is


We ore


15 Write the correct answer.

1 A Hello, Peter. B I'm Mot Peter. I'm Hans.

a I'm not b I amn't

2 A You and Daniella are from Russia, right?

B - --- from Russia. We're from Slovakia.

a Weno b We aren't

3 A Rome is in Spain, isn't it?

B in Spain! It's in Italy!

a It no is b It isn't

4 A Where's your phone? B in my bag.

a Is b it's

5 She's French. _ ____ name's Antoinette.

a She's b Her

6 Hans is German. ____ _ fr0111 Berlin.

a His b He's


16 Write a preposition from the box.

I in (x2) at (x2) from with of (x4)

1 We're _a_t _ school now.

2 Emrah is Turkish. He's __ Turkey.

3 The Empire State Building is __ New York.

4 Moscow is the capital __ Russia.

5 Hello. Can I have a cup __ tea, please?


6 My brother is __ holiday in Spain at the moment.

7 This is a photograph __ me and my boyfriend.

8 My flat is __ the centre _ _ town.

9 Look _ _ the park! It's so beautiful!

10 Read the interview __ the band Metro 5.


17 Write the number.

Iq nineteen










18 Write the number as a word.

31 thirfy-oMe

45 7

60 100

• ID at on wleth of

from Unit 3 • All about you 21

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Possessive 's • hasl have

• my lour I her. . . • The family • Vocabulary revision • The alphabet

Family and friends

Possessives Possessive 's

I ril Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the names of the people + s.

1 Mike's car is a Mercedes. 5 office is in the centre of town.

2 phone is on the table. 6 pizza looks fantastic!

3 computer is an Apple Mac. 7 boyfriend is from Texas.

4 dictionary is on the table. 8 Ben is dog.

22 Unit 4 • Family and friends

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my/our/her ...

2 rtl Complete the sentences with an adjective in the box.

your My

Vocabulary The family

His Our Their Her

3 Look at the famil y tree. Complete the crossword with the name of the family relative.

James carrie

Dave petra Belle

'e 4U IlL 1 0

r--,.- r--

I' 1 r-- r--


i-- '--

- ,'. -


3 Dave, Petra, and Belle are

Carrie's (8)

7 James is Dave's (6)

8 Dave is Carrie's (3)

9 Carrie is Petra's (6)

10 Carrie is James' (4)

___ classroom ~---{ is very small. )-------,


l-- ,,---I--

R EINI '--

- ,- --

1 -

9 1 1

-10 1



1 James and Carrie are

Belle's (7)

2 Petra is James ,


4 James is Carries (7)

5 Dave is Belle's (7)

6 Petra is Daves (6)

Unit 4 • Family and friends 23

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has/have Alfie and his family

24 Unit 4 • Family and friends

4 ri1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences about Alfie and his family.

1 He has a BMW motorbike.

a nice house. 2 They have

3 She a Canon camera.

two children. 4 They






___ ____ a lot ofCDs.

_______ a guitar.

_ _ _____ a Mercedes.

_ ______ a Toshiba computer. _ _ _____ a bicycle.


s ri1 Listen to Alfie talking about his life and his family. Are the sentences true (,f) or false (,K)?

1 [{] Kim is Alfies wife.

2 o Their house is very big.

3 D He and Kim have a house in north London.

4 D His sister, Alice, has a house in their street.

S D Alice has four children.

6 D Aliie and Kim have two children and a cat.

7 D Their daughter's name is Penny.

8 D Kim's office is thirty miles from their house.

9 D Alfie's office is in the centre.

10 D Kim and Aliie aren't happy in their jobs.

6 Complete the questions.

1 What's his wife's name? Kim

2 What's name? Alice

3 What's name? Penny

4 What's name? Archie

S What's name? Ben

7 Complete the lines from Alfie talking about his life.

1 Our house is nice, but it isn't very --'b'"i9'---_ _

2 My sister, Alice, a house in our street.

3 Our children and children are at the same


4 The school is near our house.

S My office is miles from our house.

6 both happy in our jobs.

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8 rtl Read about these people. Use your dictionary. Answer the questions.

Who's happy? Rich people are happy people, True or false?

Roman Abramovich

Roman Abramovich is a businessman from Russia, He has $23.5 billion. He has five houses in London, He also has a farm in Colorado, USA, and a villa in the south of France. He has five yachts. He also has a lot of planes - a Boeing 767, an Airbus A340, and three helicopters, He has a lot of cars, too. And he has a football club, Chelsea Fe.

He has five children. His girlfriend, Daria Zhukova, has a modern art gallery in Moscow.

He has a lot of problems, Is he happy?

Queen Elizabeth 11

Queen Elizabeth II of England is one ofthe richest women in the world , She has $600 million. She has a house in Scot land, Balmoral, and a house in Sandringham, in the east of England. She has paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael,Venrneer, Canaletto, Rubens, Rembrandt, and Monet. She also has a lot of dogs and horses.

She has four chi ldren, Her husband, Prince Phil lip, is from Greece. She has a lot of problems, Is she happy?

Tony and Abigail Jones

Tony has a house in London, 'Our house is small, but we love it. My wife's name is Abigail. We both have good jobs. Abigail's a police officer, and I'm a teacher We have two children, Oliver and Jess, and their school is five minutes from our house. We have an old Renault car'

'I have some money, but not a lot. Problems? Of course we have problems! Everyone has problems! But we're very happy!'

Are the sentences true (.r) or false (.X)?

Roman Abramovich

1 0 He is English,

2 0 He has lots of houses.

3 0 He has problems.

Queen Elizabeth

4 0 She has a house in America.

S 0 Her paintings are famous.

6 0 Her husband is Italian,

Tony and Abigail

7 0 They have a big house.

8 0 They have two children.

9 0 They're rich.

Unit 4 • Family and friends 2S

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Don't forget! Grammar

13 Complete the chart.

Pronoun, Adjective,

I my


he his



they their

14 Complete the chart of the verb have.








15 Write the correct answer.

1 I'm a student. ...:M:...:y'---__ school is very good. a Hi, b My

2 The school ____ fifteen classes. a ha, b have

3 teacher's name is Sarah. a She', b Our

4 from Canada. a She', b Her

5 She 23.

a is b ha,

6 She's French. _ _ __ name's Antoinette. a Hi, b Her

your our his

my her their


16 Write the words in the correct column.

- €ity Ee Al~ijter accountant town bag country village car police officer bus sister dictionary waiter apartment

Place, People Thing,

city son computer

Singular and plural nouns

17 (fJ Complete the charts. Be careful about spellings.

Singular Plural

brother brothers




Singular Plural

country countries




Singular Plural

class classes



xxx x sunglasses

Singular Plural

man men

women /wum;m/ /w IIrun/



Unit 4 • Family and friends 27

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Sports, food, drink

Sports/food/drink • Present Simple -I/you/they • Languages and nationalities • How much is it?

The way I live

1 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.


..-- .,-r,- r,- I---

' T E N N I ~ I--- r- r-

I_ I 7 S

- - '--I' - 9 10 -I '

- I---i" IJ

I '"=:

I" I -



28 Unit 5 • The way I live

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Things I like [like coffee

2 rtl Write what the people like and don't like.

I don't like tea.

football. Chinese food.

3 rtl Write the questions and answers.

I 1 A Do you like co*ke? ~s~ 4 A skiing?

B Ves, I do. It's great! B fantastic!

-- Do you like 2 A football? 5 A James Bond films?

B terrible! B exciting!

3 A ______ pizza? 6 A _ _____ cotfee?

B ______ _ __ delicious! B _ ________ awful!

Unit 5 • The way I live 19

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Present Simple The swimmer Michael Phelps

4 Read and complete the text about Michael Phelps. Use the verbs in the box.

live swim


drink speak like

have (x2) eat want

Michael Phelps has 14 Olympic gold medals. He describes his life.

HOME 'I (1) co",e from Baltimore, Maryland, , USA. My father is a police officer, and my mother is

a teacher. My parents are divorced . r (2) ____ _

two sisters, both older than me. I still (3) ____ _

in Baltirflore. I (4) _____ my own apartment,

but I (5) to my mother on the phone

every day.

TRAINING I train for six hours a day, six days a

week. I (6) 10 miles, that's 16 kilometres,

every day. I (7) a lot of pasta, omelettes,

bread, cereal , sandwiches, cheese, pizza. In one day

I eat enough for six people. I (8) coffee

and special energy drink~ .

INTERESTS I (9) football (American

football, of course!), music (hip hop - Lil Wayne is

my favourite), playing video games, and taking my

dog, Herman, for a walk.

I (10) ____ to win 10 medals at the next

Olympic games.'

30 Unit 5 • The way I live


5 Put the words in the right order to make questions about Michael Phelps.

1 come I Where I you I from I do _W~he~r~e~d~o~yo~u~c~o~",~e~rr~o~",~ _ ______ ___ ? I come from Baltimore, Maryland.

2 father's I job I your I What's

-------------------? He's a police officer.

3 you I live I Where I do

--------------- - ----? In an apartment in Baltimore.

4 eat I do I youl What

- ----------------? Pasta, omelettes, cereal ... I eat a lot!

6 Complete the questions to Michael Phelps.

1 What's your "'other's job

She's a teacher. ?

2 How many sisters _____________ ?


3 What ________ _______ ? Coffee and special energy drinks.

4 What sort of music ________ _____ ?

Hip hop.


7 Make negative sentences.

1 I dOH't eat a lot of meat, but I eat a lot of pasta.

2 I beer or wine. I don't drink any


3 I with my family. I live in my ~


4 My parents _____ together. They're divorced,

so they live on their own.

5 My sisters _____ swim. They do oth~r sports,

but not swimming.

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Listening Gracie and her parents

8 rtl Listen to Gracie L10yd talking about her father and her mother. Complete" the sentences.

1 Your parents live in Spain, don't they?

2 That's right. a house in Seville.

3 They a little Spanish , yes. 4 In Spain tennis.

5 You in England, don't you?

6 a house in Scotland.

7 My to our house in swum er.

S all golf together.

9 golf!

IQ We at home. I love cooking.

9 Complete the questions from the interview.

1 Do they speak Spanish?

2 What they in Spain?

they play golf?

3 still work?

4 Where you and your husband --- -?

5 And all out to


10 Complete the negative sentences from the interview.

I They do.'t live in England any more.

2 They're both quite old now, so they __ _ _ _ __ a lot.

3 _ _ _ _ __ __ work at all now.

4 We _ ___ in England. We have a

house in Scotland.

5 So _ ___ ____ _ ___ in restauran ts.

Vocabulary •

Languages and nationalities

11 Write the words in the box in the right column.

Ja~aAe5e Italian ~ Arabic Chinese Spanish Brazilian Mexican American German Portuguese

•• •• ••• ••• •••• f.Qlish Japanese

rtl Listen and repeat.

12 Complete the sentences with a nationality adjective.

I Lisbon is a PortuQuese city.

2 The President lives in the White House.

3 A Mercedes is a car.

4 Nintendo is a company.

5 I!.IJ't ,jl:?~ is writing.

6 Spaghetti is food.

7 Tequila is a drink.

S Liu Xiuyan is a name.

9 Ronaldinho is a football player.

10 Real Madrid is a football club.

Unit 5 • The way I live 31

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Everyday English How much is it?

13 Complete the numbers.

__ forty-eight __ thirty-five 01



fifteen __ seventy-two 60

14 Match the prices and the words.

£25.99 £4.50

95p £32

£79 £2.15 $65

80€ £1.20

15 ct1 Write the prices you hear.

1 flO.qq 2 $4.50 3 ___ _

5 6 ___ _ 7 ___ _

16 ct1 Listen to the conversations. Write the prices.

1 f15.75 2

5 __ _ 6 _ _ _

31 Unit 5 • The way I live

100 __ _

two pounds fifteen

ninety-five p

ten pounds

one pound twenty

eighty euros

sixty-five dollars

thirty-two pounds

seventy-nine pounds

four pounds fifty

twenty-five pounds ninety-nine p

4 ___ _

8 ___ _

3 4

7 __ _ 8

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Don't forget! Grammar

17 Complete the chart.

Present simple

Positive Question Negative

I (work Do (work?

You You don't work


They Do they workl

18 Write the correct answer.

do~ 't like French food .

a no like b don't like

2 'Do you like dancing?' 'Yes, _ ___ _

a Ido b Ilike

3 How many languages _____ ?

a do you speak b you speak

4 I don't drink beer because I _____ it.

a like b don't like

S In Brazil Portuguese.

a speak b they speak


19 Write the verb that goes with the words.

1 live






in an apartment

with my parents

two languages

to my mother on the phone

in a bank

for an international company

two sisters

a lot of money

the piano


from the United States

to school by bus.

Articles a / an

20 Complete the sentences with a or an.

I I'm in ~ English class.

2 Hans is waiter.

3 He wants to be actor.

4 She has __ Italian boyfriend.

S A Mercedes is __ German car.

21 Write a or an in the correct place in the sentence.

a 1 I have,<.good job.

2 We live in big house in London.

3 I'm waiter.

4 I work in Italian restaurant.

S They have office in the centre of town.

6 Jamie is English teacher.

Word order

22 Put the words in the r ight order.

1 like Spanish oranges I like Spa~ish ora~ges.

2 have small I flat a

3 people nice are Italian

4 food don't like Chinese

S job father important has an My

do you ~pedk. • •

I don't like .. ,

c;> ••

Unit 5 • The way I live 33

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The time • Present Simple - he/she • Prepositions in/ at/ on • Words that go together • Days of the week

The time

1 rtl Underline the correct time.

11 12 1 10 --. 2 9 ~3 8 4

76 5

Every day

11 t:l 10 2

9 3 8 4

7 6 5

1 ten thirty I ten fifteen 2 three 0' clock I five 0' clock

11 12 1 10 2 9" ~ ... 3 8 4

76 5

4 six twenty-five I six forty-five 5 two forty-five I ten forty-five

2 rtl Listen. Write the times you hear.

1 !.IS 2 3 4 5

3 rtl Listen and complete the conversations.

I A Excuse ~! What is it?

BIt's _ _ _

A Thank ________ much.

B That's OK.

2 C me! Do ______ _

the time, ?

D Sure. It's exactly __ _

C a lot.

D all right.

34 Unit 6 • Every day

11 12 1 10 2

9""'1' 3

8 • + 4 7 6 5

3 eight thirty I nine thirty

8 4 7 6 5

6 eleven 0' clock I twelve 0' clock

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Present Simple - he/she ,. Cathy and George

4 ct1 Listen to Cathy and George.

Complete the questions and answers.

1 'What time do you get ue ?'

'] get up at

2 'What for breakfast?'

'] have toast and coffee.'

3 'How to school?'

'By bus.'

4 'What in the evening>' '] TV.'

5 Complete the verbs.

1 ] get - He gets

2 You go - She goes

3 We have - He

4 ] leave - She

5 We do - He

6 You watch - She

7 They live - He

8 I work - She

6 Complete the sentences about Cathy and George.

1 Cathy gets ue at 7.00 and a shower.

2 She to school by bus.

3 She a sandwich and a co*ke for lunch.

4 She school at 3.30.

5 In the evening she her homework.

6 George in a house in north London.

7 He toast and coffee for breakfast.

8 In the evening he TV


7 ct1 Complete the questions about Cathyand George.

Cathy 1 What time does Cathy get ue ?

At 7.00.

2 How to school? By bus.

3 What for lunch? A sandwich and a co*ke.

4 What in the evening? She does her homework.


5 Where George ? In a house in north London.

6 What for breakfast? Toast and coffee.

7 Where work> In a bank.

8 What in the evening? He watches TV

Unit 6 • Every day 3S

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Cathy's bedroom

,. 8 Look at Cathy's bedroom. Complete the sentences about her.

I Cathy has a lot of clothes.

2 She her homework in her room.

3 a boy called Max.

4 shopping a lot.

5 coffee.

6 music.

7 the guitar.

8 pizza.

9 fashion magazines.

9 Make negative sentences about Cathy.

I She doesn't tidy her room.

2 She smoke.

3 She like school.

4 Her parents go in her room.

5 She eat meat.

36 Unit 6 • Every day



10 ril Complete the sentences with do/does/am/is/are.

A (1) Are you Cathy's brother?

B Yes, I (2) _ __ _

A Ah! (3) your name Robert?

B Yes, it (4) , but people call me Bobby.

(5) you know my sister?

A Yes. I (6) __ , My name (7) Alice.

B (8) you go to the same school?

A Yes, we (9) . We (10) in

the same class. I think I know your father, too.

(11) he work in Barclay's Bank?

B Yes, he (12) . You know all the family!

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Pronunciation , -s at the end of a word

I1 rt1 Listen and write the verbs in the correct colum n for the pronunciation of -5 at the end of the word.

gees gets watffies lives eats does cooks has plays listens works teaches

IzJ Isl IlzJ gOt~ gtt~ watGht~

Prepositions in/at/on 12 Complete the sen tences with the correct

preposition - in, at, or on.

I I get up ~ 7.00.

2 I don't work __ Tuesday.

3 I get up late __ the weekend.

4 __ the evening I watch TV.

5 I don't like getti ng up __ Monday morning.

6 I start work 8.30.

7 I usually go to the cinem a _ _ Friday evening.

Do we need a preposition in these sentences?

8 I have a shower __ every morning.

9 Come and see me next weekend.

10 Are you at home _ _ this evening?

Vocabulary Words that go together 13 T hink of a word that goes in the space.

• have toast for brtakfart

• drink beer

Complete the crossword.


4 have toast for __ (9)

6 __ beer (5)

7 __ TV(5)

8 _ _ football (4)

9 __ a car (5)

10 have _ _ at 1.00 (5)

12 speak two __ (9)

13 get up _ _ / get up late (5)

J -'-- "2

1'8 R E I A I K F A Ss q

f- f-

t-- 8 1 1 9 I I f-




t-- 'iI f- f-

t--I" I I t--

t-- 13 I li '-- .oc._ .• · _ .•. ,,.-


I __ for an American company (4)

2 workinan __ (6)

3 __ to music (6)

5 go __ to buy things (7)

9 cook __ in the evening (6)

10 __ in a flat (4)

11 __ two sisters (4)




1 J

Unit 6 • Every day 37

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Reading ,. 14 rtl Read the newspaper article about Barack Obama. Use your dictionary.

Barack Obama, America's first black President BARACK OBAMA is the forty-fourth President of the United States,

but the first African American President in the history of the country.

He was born in Hawaii in 1961. His father was a black Kenyan, and

his mother a white American from Kansas.

"1116!"!11I He is married to Michelle, and they have two daughters, Malia Anne and Natasha, known as Sasha. The childreu go to a private

school in Washington. The girls have a dog called Bo. Michelle is an attorney (an American lawyer) . She doesn't work now

her husband is President. She says her most important lob is as mother

to their children.

His interests Barack Obama loves basketball. He has his own indoor

basketball court in the White House, and he often invites professional

basketball players to come and play with him. He also goes to the gym. In the evening he sometimes plays billiards. He and Michelle like going to restaurants and the cinema, and

visiting friends for dinner. The family goes to church every Sunday.

II",UoIuI; The President and his family live in the White House.

It has 132 rooms. One hundred people work for him. His chefs make

his favourite food - chili and pasta.

Mr Obama works in the Oval Office in the White House.

He often works more than sixteen hours a day.

15 Complete the questions and answers.

1 How many children does he have

Two - Malia Anne and Sasha.

16 Complete the short answers.

? 1 Do the children have a dog? Yes , _t:.:!h~ey~d~o~ _____ _

2 Where to school? 2 Does MicheUe work as a lawyer now?

They go to a private school in Washington.

3 What Michelle ? 3 Does he play basketball?

She looks after their children.

4 What sport like? 4 Do they go to church?


S Where work?

In the Oval Office. 17 Make negative sentences.

1 His children don't go to state school 6 How many hours ?

About sixteen. 2 Mrs Obanla _ ___ ____ go out to work.

3 They live in Chicago.

4 The President ___ ___ __ a lot of free time.

38 Unit 6 • Every day

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Everyday English ,. Days of the week

18 Write the days of the week in the correct order.








Don't forget! Present Simple

19 Complete the chart.


I I work



She She works




Do l work7

Does he work?

20 Add -s, -es, or - (nothing).

1 My brother love~ football .


You don't work

It doesn't work

2 Tom and Julia often go_-_ shopping.

3 Susan watch_ videos every evening.

4 James coo~ dinner in the evening.

S We work_ late on Tuesday evening.

6 Ellie teach_ English at my school.

21 Underline the correct word.

1 Do l Does you like hip hop?

2 Where do I does your sister live'

3 What languages do I does your teacher speak?

4 Do I Does you have a computer at home?

S I don't I doesn't get up early at the weekend.

6 My parents don't I doesn't like my boyfriend.


22 Match a question with a question word.








What How many

When Where

How Who

How much

What --"-""'-__ do you do in the evening? - I watch TV.

_ ___ do you come to school? - By bus.

_ ___ is a cup of coffee? - 90p.

____ are you from? - I'm from Spain.

_ ___ is your teacher? - Sally.

____ do you go on holiday' - In summer.

_ ___ languages do you speak' - Two.

Articles: the or - (nothing)?

23 Complete the sentences with the or - (nothing).

1 The Empire State Building is in _ -_ New York.

2 New York is in United States.

3 _ _ Paris is __ capital of _ _ France.

4 Excuse me! What's time?

S I have __ lunch at 1.00 every day.

6 I go to _ _ wo~k by _ _ bus.

7 I go to __ bed at 11.30.

B What's __ name of your school?

9 In _ _ evening I watch __ TV.

10 At _ _ weekend I play __ football.

how when

what who


Unit 6 • Every day 39

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Questions • Pronouns me / him • Possessive adjectives my/his • this / that • Adjectives happy / miserable • Can I . .. ?

My favourites

Questions An interview with Johnny Depp

1 Read and complete the interview with Johnny Depp. Use the questions in the box.

Whet eFe 'fO"F fe¥o"Fite filFfls?

Why do you live in France?

How many lon9uo.ges do you speak?

Who do you live with?

How old are your chi ldren?

Where do you live?

What does Vanessa do?

What car do you drive?

How much money do you have?

Do you play any musical instruments?

40 Unit 7 • My favourites

(juesfions ... What are your favourite films?

JD Cartoons. I like watching them with my kids. I don't watch new films, but I love old films .

JD I live with Vanessa Paradis and my two children.

JD She's a singer and an actress.

JD lily.Rose Melody is 10. Jack is 7.

JD In France.

JD Because Vanes sa is French. And because I feel at home in France. I go to the cafe with my daughter and have a coffee, and no one looks at us.

JD Two. English and French.

JD I play the guitar.

JD I drive a green Porsche convertible. I also have a Triumph motorbike.

JD That's private. I have a lot. I make money doing what I like. I'm very lucky.

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Question words

2 Match a question word in A with an answer in B.


1 What? Da In summer. 2 Where? [Ob A sandwich. J Who) Dc By bus. 4 When? D d Because my wife is French. 5 How? De In -a vi llage near the sea. 6 Why? Df Jane. 7 How old? Dg Three. S How many? Dh Twenty-one (years). 9 What time? Di 6.30 in the morning.

10 How much? Dj [5.30.

3 rt1 Complete the questions with a question word from A in exercise 2.Write in the answer from B.

1 What do you have for lunch ?

A sandwich.

2 _ ___ ~ is your next holiday?

3 ____ ~ do you come to school?

4 ____ ~ do you live?

5 _ ___ ~'s your teacher?

6 ____ ~ do you live in France?

7 are you?

I'm twenty-one.

8 brothers do you have?

9 do you start work?

10 is a coffee and a sandwich?

4 rt1 Write questions for these answers.

1 What's your email address


2 spell surname?

H - A - R - M - A-N.


07933 678234.


I'm 23.

5 favourite , Pizza. I love it.

6 in a house or a flat?

A flat.

Why? Because ...

5 Write questions with Why? and then choose a reason from the box.

Because she works at home. 8eca~se he has a jell there. Because he doesn't have any money. Because she's a writer.

I Mikes lives in Moscow.




_W~hYLd~o~e~s~he~lw~e~in~M~os~c~ow~ ___________ ?

Because he has a job there.

2 He drives an old car.

Why ____________________________ ?

3 Sally stays at home every day.

Why ?

4 She sits at her computer for ten hours a day.

Why ?

Unit 7 • My favourites 41

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Pronouns and possessives me / him; my / his

6 Complete the chart.

Subject Object

I me

You you


She her









7 Complete the sentences with me, you, him, her, it, us, them.

1 'John, do you like ~?'

'Of course I like ~ ! I love __ I'

2 Maria's English isn't very good. I don't


3 Daddy! Look at __ I I'm on the table!

4 A 'My coffee's cold"l'

B 'Don't drink !'

S I don't like Mike. Please don't invite _ _ to , your party.

6 A 'Is this a photo of _ _ ?'

B 'Yes. I was on holiday in Spain:

7 A 'Peter, I want to speak to _ _ :

B 'Phone __ later:

8 Our teacher gives __ too much homework!

9 My neighbours are so loud' Listen to _ _ I

10 You're so horrible sometimes! Stop _ _ I

8 Complete the sentences with my, your, his, hers, its, our, their.

Alice, this is ~ wife. Kay, this is Alice.

2 A 'Peter, what's _ _ email address?'

B '[emailprotected]'

3 James is an actor. _ _ son's an actor, too.

4 Sue's a doctor. __ daughter's a doctor, too.

S The dog eats __ food, then it eats the cat's food.

6 __ teacher gives us too much homework!

7 My children don't like __ teachers, but I think

they're great.

42 Unit 7 • My favourites

this/ that 9 rt1 Complete the conversations with this or that.

1 A Who's~?

B Her name's Lola.

2 A What's~? B It's tomato soup.

3 A I love _ _ car!

B It's great, isn't it!

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4 A __ letter's for you.

B Oh! Thanks.

5 J Hi, Larry. __ is jrun es. How are you?

6 A How much is coat? The black one.

Vocabulary Adjectives - happy/miserable

10 Underline the correct word.

Happy Annie

Annie is very (1) old!~. It's Saturday, she doesn't work

today, and the weather is (2) lovely! awful. It's summer. and

it's (3) cold! hot.

She's in the park. The park is very (4) right! big. A lot

of people have (5) hot! delicious picnics. The Rowers are

(6) beautiful! terrible.

Annie wants an ice~cream. 'How much is an

ice-cream" '20p: Wow' That's (7) cheap! expensive"

Annie and her friends love the park. '1('5 (8) horrible /

wonde1ul here" says Annie.

Miserable Mike

Mike is very miserable. 1('5 Monday morning, and it's time

for work. The weathe, is (1) big! awful. It's winter, and it's

(2) nice / wet outside.

1('56.30 in the morning, and Mike feels (3) great/ awful. He's (ired. His Aat is very (4) old! new, and (he heating isn'(

very good, so it's (5) hot! cold in winter.

The Aa( is £1.000 a week, so it is very (6) cheap! expensive. And (here is only one bedroom, so the fla( is very

(7) small! big, too.

This is why Mike isn't (8) happy! great.

Unit 7 • My favourites 43

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Everyday English Can I .. .?

11 ri1 Write a line from the box in the correct place.

1 In a cafe

2 In a clothes shop

3 In a train station

44 Unit 7 • My favourites









e D



How much is that? Anything to eat'

Aa',e a E~~ sftea chocolate cake

Can I have a cue of tea , please?

Sure. -------------------------------? Yes. Can I have a piece of -----------------? Of course. Here you are.

----------------------------------- ? That's £4.60, please.

Can I try it on over there

Do you have this T-shirt Certainly

in a medium, please?

I'll have a look for you.


Yes. Here you are.

Oh! Thank you. please?

. The changing rooms


have a ticket Can I pay by credit card a single enter your PIN

e Can I to Brighton, please?

D Do you want or a return?

e A single, please.

D That's £25.50, please.

e ? D Sure, Put your card in the machine,

And . Now take your card,

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Don't forget! Vocabulary

, 12 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. All the words are in Unit 7 of the Student's Book.


1!:1 !-I1 A M 2p o 0 1

3 I I f--

I' 1 1 1 f--

f-- f--

r5 1 1 6 7 f-- ...- '9 f--

f--I f-- f-- f-- f--


r11 111 1 1 f-- f-- f--

f-- f-- ~ DOWN ~ '-- '--


w~ ~/

rfJ4' .. , ~\\



13 Write the correct answer.

1 !-Iow much money do you have?

a How much b How many

2 do you live in London?

Because I like it. a When b Why

3 is your favow-ite actor?

Johnny Depp. a Who b How

4 Pete is great. IlU<e very much. a him b his

5 My sister has a fl at. I live with ____ _ a she b her

6 They aren't your books! They're my books! Give _ __ _

a they me b them to me


14 Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.

I of to with for at in

1 lane's married ~ Pete.

2 What do you do __ yow- free time?

3 I have a present __ you.

4 Look _ _ that photo! Is that you?

5 In the evening I listen __ music.

6 Can I speak _ _ you, please?

7 1bis is a photo _ _ me with my boyfriend.

S Thank you _ _ my present.

9 We go __ a restaurant __ a pizza.

IQ I live __ my mother and sisters.

its them it me

their my

Unit 7 • My favourites 45

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Rooms and furniture • There is/there are • Prepositions on/under/next to .. . • Vocabulary revision • Directions

Where I live

Rooms and furniture 1 et) Complete the sentences with a room in the house.

1 We eat in the dining room.

3 Write a word from the box under the correct picture.

2 We relax and watch TV in the ____ _

3 We cook in the ____ _

4 I have a shower in the _ ___ _

5 I sleep in my ___ _ _

2 Tick (,f) the correct word.

1 We keep milk in the [Zl fridge. D shower.

2 I sleep in my D desk. D bed.

3 We cook lunch on the D cooker. D fridge.

4 I sit on the D laptop D sofa

when I watch TV.

5 I do my homework at my D desk. D lamp.

6 We sit at the D desk D table

when we have lunch.

7 I play games on my D DVD player. D laptop.

8 Our dog always sits in my father's

46 Unit 8 • Where I live

D armchair. D bag.



a ~iEt"Fe a balcony

a picture

posters magazines




a PlayStation 0

a toilet

\ /

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There is/There are In the garden

4 Look at the picture. Are the sentences true (,f) or false (X)?

I2.l There are two boys playing footbaLl.

2 0 There's a PlayStation· in the living room.

3 0 There's a table in the kitchen .

4 0 There are three lamps in the living room.

S 0 There's a desk in the living room.

6 0 There's a cooker in the kitchen.

5 ril Complete the sentences with There's or There are.







There's -"-_ _ __ a table in the garden.

_____ two women sitting at the table.

_____ a pot of tea on the table.

_____ a dog in the garden.

_____ two people cooking in the kitchen.

_____ a sofa in the living rOOI11.

6 ril Make negative sentences with There isn't or There aren't.

1 There aren't any posters on the waLls.

2 a cat in the house.

3 any flowers in the garden.

4 a Play station· in the living room.

S any people in the living room.

6 a DVD player.

7 ril Complete the questions and answers.




Is there a halcony? No, there isn't.

_____ a girl in the garden?

_____ any armchairs in the living ~oom?

_____ any children in the house?

Unit 8 • Where I live 47


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Prepositions on/under/next to . ..

8 Where are the things? Write sentences.

1 The keys are -"o-,,-n __ the table. 2 The trainers are ___ the bed. 3 The clock is / the light.


~ 4 The money is _ __ the drawer. 5 The magazines are __ the corner. 6 The desk is ___ the window.

Vocabulary Revision - Vancouver

9 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. All the words are in the reading text on p60~61 of the Student's Book .

ACROSS I .,.---- ,,--- f--

14 R A I N


OJ~ 5

1 1 6 r- r-

r-I 17 1 1 1 I'


s I_ 1



1 1 1 -

r- c-- -"",::- ~t -

48 Unit 8 • Where I live

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Everyday English Directions

10 Look at the map of Appleby. Write the places in the box on the map.

park church supermarket

ReV/sageR!'S sports centre chemist's

railway station car park

11 rtl Listen to the directions. Start from YOU ARE HERE. Follow the directions. Where are you?






Go down the High Street. Turn left into Albion Road. It s on the right, next to the Chinese restaurant. Where are you?

The newsagent's

12 rtl Listen and complete the conversations.

1 A



2 C



3 E



4 G



Excuse me! Is there a bank near here'

Yes. straight on. It's on the

next to the

Thanks a lot.

Excuse me! How do I get to the railway station?

Go down the High Street. Turn , .Go

down Road. It's near the bridge, on the

That's very kind. Thank you.

Excuse me! How the sports centre?

Go Street. Go past the post office, past

School Lane. It's right, the


Thank you very much.

Excuse me! a supermarket

Yes. Turn into Riverside. It's on

next to the

Thanks. Bye!

, near the river.

• >



Unit 8 • Where I live 49

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (48)


13 et) Read about the town of Berkhamsted. Are these sentences true (,f) or false (.X")? Correct the false sentences.

,r-----------------------------~--~~------------------------------~ Berkfiamsted OFFICIAL G U I DE

DESCRIPTION Berkhamsted is a historic market

town 20 miles north of London. It has a population

of 19,000, and is in the middle of beautiful

English countryside.

PLACES OF INTEREST The Castle is more than

1,000 years old. It is open every day, and it is free.

The Ashridge Estate is a huge park with woods,

views, and walks. There is a shop and a cafe.

TRAVEL There are four trains an hour into

London. The journey takes 30-40 minutes.

HOTELS There are several hotels in the town.

The biggest are the King's Arms Hotel and the

Pennyfarthing Hotel, both in the High Street.

SHOPS There is everything you need in the High

Street and Lower Kings Road. You will find chemists,

bookshops, specialist food shops, clothes shops,

bakers, dry cleaners - all the usual high street shops.

RESTAURANTS AND CAFES You will find French,

Italian, Thai, and Indian restaurants.

There are also coffee bars and tea rooms on

the High Street.

1 0 The castle is 2,000 years old. The castle is 1,000 years old.

2 IZl There is a park called ti,e Ashridge Estate.

3 D There are six trains an hour into London.

4 D It takes an hour to get into London from Berkharnsted.

5 D There's only one hotel in the town.

50 Unit 8 • Where I live

MARKET There is a street market every Saturday.

SUPERMARKETS The town has two big

supermarkets, Waitrose and Tesco.

CINEMA The Rex Cinema is in a luxurious

1930s building.

PUBS The Bull and The Crown on the

High Street. The Boat is next to the canal.

6 0 You Can buy things to eat, read, and wear.

7 0 There are Mediterranean and Asian restaurants.

8 0 There's a market one day a week.

9 0 There's a theatre, but there isn't a cinema.

10 0 There are a lot of pubs on the High Street.

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Don't forget! Vocabulary and grammar

14 Write the correct answer.

I You can get a c:trc::a",in ___ at a railway station.

a bus b train

2 My brother's a _ ___ _

a cook b cooker

3 You cap buy books in a _ ___ _

a library b bookshop

4 A laptop is a small ____ _

a computer b DVD player.

S fifteen students in my class.


a There are b Are

_ ____ a chemist's near here?

b Is there a Is

7 Paul! Come on! Your lunch is _ _ ___ the table.

a nextto b on

8 Where are my car keys? Are they _ ___ _ the


a in b under

And and but

15 Look at the sentences with and and but.

I like wine and I like beer. © 1 like Peter, but I don't like his wife. G Complete the sentences with and or but.

I I have a house in the country and 1 have a flat in


2 1 love the house, ___ my neighbours are horrible.

3 I have two jobs. I work in a cafe ___ I'm a taxi


4 1 want to go shopping, _ __ I don't have any


So and because

16 Look at the sentences with so and because.

I like my job because it's interesting.

He has a lot of problems, so he isn't very happy.

Complete the sentences with so or because.

I I start work at S in the morning, so I go to

bed early.

2 I like my job I have a lot of friends there.

3 I want to marry you ____ 1 love you. That's


4 I want to be a profeSSional tennis player, ___ _

1 practise every day.


17 Write the numbers.

15 fifteen





18 Write the numbers as words.

36 thirty-six

4 72 00 10






go down next to

turn right on the (eft

Unit 8 • Where /live S1

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was born

5 Ci1 Listen to Tom. Complete the sentences. .. 1 My mother was born in Chicago in 1960.

2 My father in New York in 1958.

3 I in 1985.

4 My grandparents in the United States.

5 My mother's parents in Sweden.

6 My father's parents in Ireland.

6 Ci1 Listen to Tom saying more about his relatives. Complete the sentences.

I My mother a pharmacist.

2 My father a professor.

3 They at university together.

4 My father 's parents very poor.

5 My mother's parents _ ____ married in

Sweden. They met in the States.

6 Grandpa Fredrik _____ an engineer.

7 Grandma Smilla a piano teacher.

8 Pat and Paddy happy at first. Life

very hard for them.


7 Complete the questions.

1 Where was Tom's mother born ?

In Chicago.

2 When ?

In 1960.

3 Where his mother's parents ?

In Sweden.

4 What Fredrik's job?

He an engineer.


8 Complete the negative sentences.

Tom's mother wasn'Horn in Sweden.

2 His father in Ireland.

3 His grandparents in the United States.

4 Pat and Paddy happy at first" 'No, they ____ '

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9 rt1 Read about Andy Warhol and Princess Diana. Use your dictionary.

Andy Warhol 1928-1987

Andy Warhol was an American painter and filmmaker.

He was famous for his pictures of everyday things,

like tins of soup and Coca-Cola bottles, and portraits

of celebrities such as Marilyn Monroe.

He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His parents

were born in Slovakia and immigrated to the US in

1914. His father was a coal miner. The family were

Catholic, and Warhol was religiOUS all his life.

As a child, Andy Warhol was often ill, and was not

at school for a long time. He was a student of art in

Pittsburgh. In 1949 he went to New York. Here he

was a painter in advertiSing and magazines.

In the 1960s he started The Factory, a centre for

artists, musicians, and writers.

All his life Warhol was afraid of doctors and hospitals.

He died in a hospital in New York after an operation.

Answer the questions about Andy Warhol.

I What was he famous for?

2 Where was he born?

3 Where were his parents from?

4 What was his father's job?

5 Was he a healthy child?

6 What was his job in New York?

7 ·What was The Factory?

8 What was he afraid of?

54 Unit 9 • Times past

Princess Diana 1961- 1997

Princess Diana was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales.

She was born in Sandringham, England. Her father was

John, Earl Spencer, and her mother was Frances, Viscountess

A1thorp. They were both friends of the Royal family. Her

parents divorced in 1969. She wasn't a happy child.

Diana was at a lot of schools, but she wasn't a good student.

In London she was a dance teacher and a teacher in a

children's school. She met Prince Charles in 1980 at a party.

She was 20 years old when she married Prince Charles. She

had two sons, William and Harry, but her marriage wasn't

happy. She and Charles divorced in 1996. After her divorce,

Diana was very busy with charity work, visiting hospitals and

poor countries in Africa.

She died in a car accident in Paris in August 1997. She was

with DodiAl-Fayed.

Answer the questions about Princess Diana.

I Where was she born?

2 Who were her parents?

3 Who were her parents' friends?

4 Was she a happy child?

5 What was her job in London?

6 How old was she when she married Charles?

7 Where was she when she died?

8 Who was she with'

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (53)


Past Simple Irregular verbs

10 Write in the Past Simple form of these verbs.

1 go we"! 2 is 3 are

4 buy 5 say 6 find 7 think 8 come 9 see

11 rt1 Complete the story with an irregular verb in the Past Simple.

Vesterday I went into town

to see my friends.

11ut they __ DOl

I __ they were too

We __ in a clothes shop

when 1 __ a pair of jeans.

1M guess what! When we __

out of the shop, I __ a DO

note on the street!

My friends __ They look

really good!'

>:0 I __ back into the shop and

__ the jeansl It was my lucky day I

Unit 9 • Times past SS

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Vocabulary have/do/go

12 Complete the sentences with a word that goes with have/do/go. They are on page 70 of the Student's Book. Do the crossword.


2 We went on __ to Spain. (7)

3 It's late and I'm tired. I want to go __ now. (4)

4 It was a lovely day so I went for a __ with my dog. (4)

9 I went __ yesterday and I bought a new jumper. (8)

10 I have a __ every morning, not a bath. (6)

11 I go to the gym every day. I like to do some __ . (8)


'U 0 l I DIA Y


4 I 5 I .----- .,---- 'iI -

9 I I j-- -

r-- -

- - -

- - 1

10 I I j--

- r-- r---

11 I I I '---



1 The party was great! Everyone had a good __ . (4)

3 I did some __ because my flat was so messy. (9)

5 I have __ at my desk at 1.00. I have a sandwich. (5)

6 'This morning I had __ at 7.00. I had toast and cereal.


7 I went to __ early yesterday. The office was quiet. (4)

8 I do my __ with my dictionary and this Workbook. (8)

56 Unit 9 • Times past

Everyday English Months and dates

13 Write in the missing months in the calendar from the box.


June August

January I I

February April



I [

December October


''''''''' ~ r



I '= : ~"I se:tember I July


14 Match the words and numbers.

first 7th second 12th third 1st fourth 5th fifth 21st seventh 3rd tenth 2nd twelfth 20th twentieth 4th twenty-first 10th

15 rtl Listen and underline the date you hear.

1 8 March / 18 April

2 2 June '! 22 July

3 3 September / 3 November

4 15 January / 15 February

5 10 May / 20 June

6 25 December / 16 August

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Don't forget!


16 Complete the chart.

Verb to be in the Past Simple

Positive Negative

I was

You weren't

He / She

We were

They weren't

17 Write the correct answer.

1 Ayrton Senna was a racing driver.

a be b was

2 I born in Paris in 1978.

a was b am

3 Where you yesterday?

a was b were

4 You at school. Were you ill ?

a no were b weren't

5 My sister and I ____ happy as children.

a were b was

6 The Beatles ____ American. They were English.

a wasn't b weren't


18 Complete the chart.

Present Past

go went









19 Complete the sentences with did or made.

1 Exercise 1 was easy, so I did exercises 2 and 3.

2 Andy Warhol made a lot of films.

3 I dinner last night. It was delicious.

4 You _ __ a lot of mistakes in your homework.

Do it again!

5 I a lot of work yesterday. I'm very tired


6 Do you like this cake? I it.

Word order

20 Write the word on the right in the correct place in the sentence.

1 I born in Scotland. was

I was born in Scotland.

2 I went to cinema last night. the

3 I my homework before I go to bed. do

4 I like school because is interesting. it

5 I have shower, then I have breakfast. a

6 'What you do?' 'I'm businessman: do I a

7 I have tea fo r breakfast. usually

wasn't was weren't were

Unit 9 • Times past 57

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Past Simple Regular verbs

1 Write the Past Simple of these regular verbs.

play .... played like ....

watch .... live ....

want .... phone ....

listen .... visit .... start .... love .... work .... stay ....


Past Simple - regular verbs • Questions and negatives • Making conversation • Sport and leisure activities • Going sightseeing

We had a great time!


Telling stories

4 ri'I Complete the sentences with Past Sinlple verbs from this page.

Yesterday I (1) .!p='a~ye~d ___ tennis with Tom. Then

1(2) _ _ ___ shopping in town. In a clothes shop

2 ri'I Write the Past Simple of the verbs in exercise 1 in the correct column for the pronunciation of -ed.

I (3) a lovely jumper. It wasn't expensive,

so I (4) it. Then it (5) to rain,

It I Idl IIdI so I (6) home.

watched played wanted

Listen and repeat.

Irregular verbs

3 Write the Past Simple of these irregular verbs. When Annie was young, she (7) ~Iiv",e""d,--__ In a

get got do house near her aunt. Every Sunday she (8) ____ _

buy .... go her aunt and (9) tea with her. They

(10) to the radio or (11) ____ _

have .... see .. TV. Annie loved visiting her aunt because they always

(12) _____ a good time together.

58 Unit 10 • We had a great time!

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Kevin's week

5 Read about Kevin's week.



[ got up at qOO today.

,0 [ wa, [ate for work.

My ba" wa,n't happy.

[ wa, on Facebook all day. [ chatted to

my friend,. [ ,aw all their photo,. [ went

home at 6 o'clock and watched TV

[ wa, [ate for work again. My bo" wa, VE'RV unhappy.

[ went on the Internet and bought ,ome clothe,.

[n the evening [ went to the cinema, but [ didrit like the film.

':!~"Il~~"~y . [ wa, [ate for woek AGA[N. My ba" ,aid my work

wa,n't very good

At lunchtime [ went to the pub with ,ome friend,.

[ didn't go back to work in the afternoon. [n the

evening [ ,aw my girlfriend and we had a pizza

Thursday , ................ _ --- - .

Oh, dear! Late for work

again. [ played computer

game, all day. [n the

evening [ went to a party,

but [ didn't know anybody.

.~.~i"a.¥ Late again. My bo" ,aid he wanted to talk to me.

[ went into hi, office. I-Je

,aid [ didn't have a job

any more! [ ,aid [ didn't

under,tand. Everyone at

work like, me! Oh, well!

Questions and negatives

6 rt1 Complete the questions about Kevin's week.

What time did he get up

He got up at 9 o'clock.

on Monday morning?

2 What on Monday eveni ng?

He stayed at home and watched TV

3 What on the Internet?

He bought some clothes.

4 Where on Tuesday evening?

He went to the cinema.

S Who ______ on Wednesday?

He saw his girlfriend .

7 Ask and answer the yeslno questions about Kevin.

1 work hard last week?

~D~id~h~.~w~o~rk~h~a~rd~la~.t~w~e~e~k ________ ?

No, he didn't .

2 like the film ?

---- -------------?

3 have a pizza?

--- --------------?

4 enjoy the party?

------------- - ---?

8 Complete the negative sentences about Kevin.

1 He didn't get up early.

2 He any work all week.

3 He the film.

4 He back to work on

Wednesday afternoon.

S He anybody at the party.

Unit 10 • We had a great time! S9

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Making conversation Was it a good match?

9 ri1 Complete the conversations with a question from the box.


Was it a gees match?

Was it good?

What was the score?

What did you do?

Did you buy anything?

What did she cook?

Where did you go?

Is it clean now?

A [ watched the football on TV last night.

B Oh, did you? Was it a good Matoh ?

A Yes, it was great. Arsenal played really well.

B ?

A Arsenal won 2- l.

------2 C I went to Amy's house for a meal on Sunday.

D Oh, really? >

C An Italian dish - lasagne.

D Mmm! ?

C It was delicious!


Time expressions in/at/on


3 E [went shopping on Saturday.

F Did you? ?

I E That new shopping centre in Hendon.

F ?

E [ bought a birthday present for you!

Happy birthday!

4 G I stayed at home all weekend!

H Oh, dear! ?

G I did the housework. The house was so dirty!

H Was it? ?

G Oh, yes! But it was such a boring weekend!

10 Complete the sentences with a preposition (in, at, or on) or [-) no preposition.

I [went to a party ~ Satnrday night.

2 [got up late --=-- yesterday.

3 We went to Spain __ 2005.

4 [ start work 9.00.

5 I phoned you __ five minutes ago.

60 Unit 10 • We had a greattime!

6 What did you do __ last night?

7 T relax the weekend.

8 I started going out with Alice __ six months ago.

9 We saw James __ Wednesday.

!O I bought a car __ last year.

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Vocabulary Sports and leisure activities

11 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.


~ ' ] C ~ ' !: KIA T ] IN G '3 f-

I' s I I-

6 I I- .,- I- "" I- l- s I 9 I-I- I- 'iO f-

G5 f-IJ l- f- f- f-I , f-Ii f- r;;- f- I-L f-f I; - - - - - -

112 I I I -

113 I -

114 I 15 I I

~K 4 '. > [jj]

go or play?

12 Cil Complete the sentences with go or play in the Past Simple and an activity.

~. 1 Yesterday I ~Iayed golf

with my friends.

~ 2 Last week I

in the country.

-~- 3 Ten days ago I ; ---~ in the sea. ~~

~ii 4 At the weekend I

for my team.

~ 5 In 2008 1 _ _ _ __ _

~ in the Alps.

~ --&

6 I on Saturday.

It was a terrible match. 8- 0!

7 Last summer I _____ _

for the first time. I loved it!

~ 8 We ___ ___ in the

~ mountains. It was great!

Unit 10 • We had a great time! 61

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Reading 13 rt1 Read about Daisy's holiday. Use your dictionary.

A holiday in Oisneyland Last year I went on holiday to

Disneyland in California . I went w ith my

parents and my sister and brother, and for

all of us it was the best holiday!

We stayed in a very big hotel. We were in an

apartment. It had four bedrooms and bathrooms, and

we had a living room, where there was the biggest

1V in the world!

Every day we d id something different. One day we

went to Universal Studios and saw how they make films.

Another day we went to the Magic Mountain Theme

Park and we went on lots of rides. The best was

Goliath. Then we went to SeaWorld, where we saw

whales and dolphins.

My father was happy because he played golf in the

mornings. My mother was happy because she went

to the sports club. My sister and brother and I loved it

because there was so much to do. Our hotel had three

swimming pools! In the evening we went to different

restaurants. One night we went to Pizza Express, where

we made our own pizzas! It was great!

And the weather was beautiful all the time we

were there.

We had a fabulous time, and we all want to go back!

62 Unit 10 • We had a great time!

14 Complete the questions or answers.

1 Where did Daisy go OH holiday

She went to Disneyland in California.

2 Who did she go with?


_ _ _ _ _______ and brother and sister.

3 Where ?

In a very big hotel.

4 Did they do the same thing every day?

No, they every day.

S What at Universal


They saw how they make films.

6 What at the

Theme Park?

They went rides.

7 What did they see at SeaWorld?

8 What did her parents do all day?

Herfuther _____ ___ _ _____ __

Her mother ___ _ _ _ _______ _

9 Why ______ ___ _ _ _ the children

_____ ___ the holiday?

Because _ _ ___ ___ __ so much to do.

10 What did they do in Pizza Express?

_ _ _ ____ their own _ ___ _ _ _ __

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Everyday English Going sight-seeing

15 rt1 Write a line from the box to complete the dialogue.

do you wantto go show me

a map eft~e tewA some information

1 A Hello. Can I have a map of t~e tOWH


B Of course. Here you are.

A Can you

on the map'

B We're here in the city centre.

Where , A The cathedral. Can you give me

_______ ___ about it?

where we are

does it open Is it far is it to get in does it close

2 B Certainly. What do you want to know'

A from here?

B Not at all. Just five minutes.

A What time ___ _ _ __ and what time

-------? B It opens at 9.00 and closes at 6.00.

A And how much ?

B It's free.

Don't forget! Grammar

16 Complete the chart.

Past simple

Positive Negative Question

I played didn't play Did f play?

You Did you play?

He/She played

We didn't ploy

They Did they ploy 7

17 Complete the sentences with did, was, or were.

1 Where were you yesterday at 2.00?

2 I __ with Henry.

3 What __ you do yesterday afternoon?

4 _ _ you have a good time at the party?

5 I _ _ very happy as a child.

18 Write the correct answer.

I I W8Ht to Spain for my last holiday.

a goed b went

2 We with my aunt and uncle.

a stayed b staid

3 I a pair of jeans at the shops.

a buyed b bought

4 them in Topshop?

a Did you buy b Did you buyed

5 What last night?

a did you b did you do

6 When to America?

a did you go b you go

did lil{.ed went

I, d started l~tene

Unit 10 ' We had a great time! 63

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coni can't • Adverbs - very well! not at all . .. • Requests and offers • Adjective + noun • Everyday problems

I can do that!

can/can't cook/run fast

1 rt1 Write what the people can do. Choose from the box.

ride a motorbike EOOk walk run fast sing play the guitar ride a horse ski speak Russian

1 Laura can cook.

2 Ben

3 Sam

4 Anna

5 Kirsty

6 Andy

7 Zoe

8 Tony

9 Dmitri

2 Match a line in A with a line in B and a line in C.


A farmer- can fly - a tractor.

An interpreter can drive buildings.

A pi lot can cook several languages.

An architect can speak software.

A chef can write delicious food.

A computer programmer can draw a plane.

64 Unit 11 • I can do that!

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Questions and short answers

3 rtl Ask Mike questions and answer them.

1 A Ca" you eJay the eia"O, Mike ?

M Yes, J ca".

2 A Can you ?

M No,

3 A --------------------------? M

4 A -----------------------, M

5 A play chess?



4 rtl Write negative sentences.

Mike I Japanese

Mike can't seeak Japa"ese.

2 Sam I run

3 You I snowboard

4 I I write English

5 We I sing

6 They I play the piano

Pronunciation /bn/ and /ka:nt/

5 rtl Notice the difference in stress when the sentence is positive or negative.

•• • Positive I can dance.

••• Negative I can't sing.

can Ibnl

can't Ika:ntl

rtl Listen and underline what you hear, can or can't.

I can I can't play the guitar a little bit.

2 My sister can I can't cook at alL

3 We can I can't speak English quite well.

4 I can I can't understand a word she says.

5 I can I can't see you on Thursday. Sorry. I'm busy.

6 Peter can I can't dance really welL

7 We can I can't go shopping. We don't have anymoney.

S You can I can't all come to my house.

Unit 11 • I can do that! 65

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Adverbs very well/not at all

6 rtl Listen to Helen. Complete her sentences with words from the box.

I very well really well a little bit

1 I can speak French qUite well

2 My parents can speak Russian ____ _

3 I can use a PC ____ _

Requests and offers Can J . .. ? Can you . .. ?

7 Complete A's questions with Can 1 / you ... ~ with a line from the box.

open the door for me have a (e#ee give me the sak and pepper turn your music down

A Can you _ _____ ~, please>


66 Unit 11 • I can do that!

(not) at all fluently

4 I can't use an AppleMac _ ___ _

5 My sister and I can play tennis ____ _

6 But we can ski ____ _

8 rtl Complete the dialogues with B's answer from the box.

1 A Can I have a coffee, please? B Sure! To have here or take away?

Su,e! le ha'le he,e "' talee away? I'm sorry. I didn't know it was 50 loud. Of course! Here you are! With pleasure! Do you want me to carry something for you)

A Can you _ ___ ___ , please? B _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _

A Can you _ ______ , please?


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Reading 9 rtl Read the newspaper article.

Meet ASIMO , the humanoid robot

Say hello to ASIMO, the robot from Honda. He can walk

and play football. He can go up and down stairs, and give

people drinks.

He can also stand on one foot, dance, and run.

ASIMO stands for 'Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility'.

ASIMO is a people-friendly robot. Honda hopes that

one day it can live with people and help them at work

and at home.

ASIMO can recognize people's f aces, say hello, and

shake hands. He can understand when people talk to him,

and answer questions.

In May 2008 ASIMO conducted the Detroit Symphony

Orchestra. He walked onto the stage and said 'Hello, everyone.

This is a beautiful concert hall.' The orchestra then played, and

ASIMO conducted. At the end of the performance, he gave a

bow. Fortunately the music was short. ASIMO batteries only

last for 20 minutes.

10 Answer the questions.

1 Put a ,/ or a )(. Can ASIMO ... ?

IZl walk 0 play football D sing 0 dance o see 0 ask questions

D drink D run D speak



2 Who makes ASIMO' _ ___ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ____ ____ _



3 What does Honda want ASIMO to do' _ _ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ ___ _

4 Can ASIMO understand when people speak to him? _ _ _ _ ____ ___ _

5 What did ASIMO do in May 2008? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __ _

6 What did ASIMO say? _____ ___ _ ______ _ ____ _

Unit 11 • I can do that! 67

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Vocabulary Adjective + noun

ACROSS 11 Look at the pictures and dues. Do the crossword.

4 a f __ t car (4)


.,.-- -

14F A S T

t-- t--

7 I I 8


I" I I

Everyday English Everyday problems


t-- ~

- -10

12 rt1 Write the problem in the box under the correct picture.

This printer doesn't work! I caA't t~FA eA the TV!

I can't find my plane tickets! I'm lost. I don't understand what it says.

3 A ------ - - -B I know. It broke down


68 Unit 11 • I can do that!

5 a b __ y street (not quiet) (4)

7 a d _ _ < __ _ , meal (9) r;---

t--8 w _ _ weather (3)

". t--J 0 a y _ __ 8 man (not old) (5)

r- 11 a d __ g _ r __ , sport (like motor racing) (9)

r- DOWN r- 1 an i _ t _ _ __ t _ _ 8 book (11)

• ,--2 a t _ _ I building (4)

3 an ex< _ _ __ g film (8)

5 a b _ r __ g lesson (6) -

6 a f _ " _y story (5) -

9 a ,_ "_ y morning (5) -

1 A I Gan 't turn 0" the TV! 2 A Excuse me! _____ _

B Push this button .

4 A

B Give it to me. Maybe I can do

it for you.

Where's the town centre?

B Go straight down here.

5 A Oh,no! ___ _ _ _ _ _

B Cairn down! They're in your


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Don't forget! can

13 Complete the chart.

Can Positive Question Negative

I 1 can sing" Can 1 sing)

You You can't sing.


They Can they sing)


14 Complete the sentences with an adverb from the box.

l always never sometimes often

1 I always


check my emails in the evening.

2 I ____ get up early at the weekend. (XXXXX)

3 I go out with my friends on Saturday

night. (.I.I.lX.I )

4 We _____ go dancing"all night. (n.l )(.1)

Regular adverbs end in -Iy. Complete the sentences with a regular adverb from the box.

I fI!leAtly slowly usually carefully

5 Oui teacher speaks English fluently

6 _____ get up at 7.00.

7 I can't understand you. Please speak ____ _

8 Do your homework _ ____ ". You make a lot of



15 Match the opposite adjectives.


1 old a D small 2 good b m young 3 cheap c D cold 4 hot d D bad 5 big e D expensive

6 old f D boring 7 fast g D new 8 dangerous h D quiet 9 interesting i D slow

10 busy j D safe


16 Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.

I with at to for about on of in

I use a computer _ a_t _ work and _ a_t _ home.

2 It's very kind _ _ you to invite me _ _ your party.

3 I like listening _ _ music.

4 I buy clothes __ the Internet.

5 I play chess __ a partner __ Moscow.

6 I chat _ _ my friends _ _ Facebook.

7 [need some in formation train times.

8 This is a present _ _ you.

9 There's something wrong _ _ my computer.

to Do you want to go __ a walk?

can't cook at all can sing well

~pedk Engli~h fluently Unit 11 • I can do that! 69

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some/any • I'd like a ... /I'd like to ... • Offering things • like and would like • Food

Please and thank you

What's in the basket? 1 Tick (,/) what you can see in the shopping basket.

[2] fruit 0 water

D milk Dwine

D bread 0 cheese

D meat 0 cake

some/any Adam's shop

2 rt1 Look at Adam's shop.

What does/doesn't he have? What is therelisn't there?

He has some ham. He doesn't have any cheese.

Th ere's some ham. There isn't any cheese. He has gom. orange juice.

2 There isn't aMY apple juice.

3 There ! tea.

4 He Y <.


5 He milk.

6 There bread.

7 He fruit.

S There cake.


3 Complete the questions and answers.

1 Does Adam have ~ ham? y .. , he do ...

2 Is there ~ cheese? No, there ign·t.

3 Does _ ______ coffee?

r 4 Is _ _ _____ fruit?

70 Unit 12 • Please and thank you

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I'd like I'd like a . .. II'd like to . . .

4 ctl C~~~~ the sentences with lillike ...

1 ICllike three ora"ge.


2 I'd like to try 0" thi. jumper


3 I'd like ________ _


4 ICllike ________ _ 5 _ __________ , 6


Offering things What would you like?


5 ctl Complete the questions with would like ... ?

1 A What would you like to dri"k

B I don't know.

A Would you like a gla .. of wiM

B Er .. . I don't like wine.



A Would _________ ,

B Ugh, no! I don't drink beer!

A ____________?

B Yeah, a co*ke would be great! Thanks.



A What would you like to do to"ight ?

B I don't know.

A Would you like to ?

B No. I don't feel like going to the cinema.

A Would ?

B No. I'm Dot hungry!

A --------------? B Now that's a great idea! I'd love to stay home

and watch TV! Maybe we can have a pizza!

C I~pIA ' ~\\IIIi\QIlC '"

~ ~"("',.


Unit 12 • Please and thank you 71

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like and would like like dancing/ would like to dance

6 Tick (.f) the correct sentence.

1 IZI I love ice-cream.

D I'd love an ice-cream

4 D I love shopping!

o I'd love to go shopping.

2 0 Do you like dancing?

o Would you like to dance?

5 0 I like drinking water.

o I'd like a drink of water.

7 et) Read the conversation. Underline the correct forms.

A It's your birthday next week, isn't it? How old are you?

B Don't ask! Too old!

A What (J) would you like / do you like for your birthday?

(2) I like / I'd like to buy you a present! Something nice!

B Well, that's very kind.

A What sort of things are you interested in? What (3) do you like / would you like doing?

B Well, one of my big passions is reading. (4) I love / I'd love reading.

A And you (5) like / would like cooking, don't you?

B Yes, it's true. I (6) love / 'd love cooking.

A Right! That's easy! I'll buy you a cook book! Then you can

read and cook!

B That would be lovely! Thank you!

72 Unit 12 • Please and thank you

3 0 Do you like wine?

o Would you like some wine?

6 0 Do you like cooking?

o Would you like to cook?

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Pronunciation lel li:1 lu:1 /r/

8 ctl Write the words about food and drink in the box in the correct column.

bread chjps cheese j'!ice biscuit breakfast food fruit beans meal chicken meat

lel li:1 lu:1 II/

egg cream soup fish

Listen and repeat.

9 ctl Match the words that rhyme.

I chip make 2 cheap my 3 steak please 4 soup sleep 5 food would 6 cheese ship 7 good rude 8 pie group



Vocabulary Food

10 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.



rn i" ",,: ~

.. , . : 'l. 0. ~ ':, '"

..- r,- ,,----- - .,-' g 0 U p I, - 6 1 I I - 7 I 1 - -

-18 I 1 I'


JI I I '--...

- -12 I I - -

f-- -f--





Unit 12 • Please and thank you 73

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Reading English food

11 rtl Read the article about English food. Put a tick (,f) if the sentence is true. Put a eX) if the sentence is false.

1 [Z] People think that English food isn't good. 2 0 People know what English food is.

3 0 English food is much better now.

4 0 English cooks travel to other countries.

5 0 Most English people eat a big breakfast.

What do English people eat? A REPORT BY JAMES BRADFORD

ENGLISH FOOD has a bad reputation. Everybody knows what French food is, and Italian food, and Chinese food . But what is English food?

It is true that, for many years, food in Britain wasn't good . But it is now possible to eat in England and enjoy it! English cooks know a lot more about how to cook, and they borrow ideas from all over the world.

Brea kfast For breakfast, most people have just cerea l and maybe toast and jam. A Full English breakfast is big - sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes.

Lunch For many people, lunch is a quick meal at about 1.00

p.m. It isn't a time to relax, because we're too busy at work or at school. So lunch is just a sandwich or a snack.

Dinner The evening meal is our main meal. We don't eat late - we eat at about 8p.m. People have maybe meat or pasta, with vegetables or salad.

Sunday lunch is traditionally the one time in the week when the family eats together.

There is roast meat, such as beef or ch icken, with lots of vegetables.

Eating out Every high street in Britain has an Indian restaurant and a Chinese restaurant. In London there are restaurants from all over the world - Greek, Italian, Moroccan, Mexican, Russian, Iranian ... everywhere. Our traditional fast food is fish and chips, and of course there are places to buy hamburgers and pizza.

It is possible to eat really bad food in England. But it is also possible to eat very well!

74 Unit 11 • Please and thank you

6 0 Lunch is the main meal of the day.

7 0 English people eat dinner late. S 0 Sunday lunch is a fa mily meal.

9 0 Every town in Britain has international restaurants. 10 0 There is good food and bad food in Britain.

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Don't forget! Grammar Vocabulary

12 Complete the chart. 14 Match a shop in A with things to buy in B.

I 'd like A B



We 'd like


1 a chemist's a ~ a cheese sandwich

2 a newsagent's b DJ some shampoo

3 a post office c D a kilo of tomatoes

4 a cafe d D a pair of jeans

5 a market e D a pint of beer

6 a railway station f D some stamps like/would like/some

13 Write the correct answer, 7 a clothes shop g o a magazine

1 A Good morning! Can I help you? 8 a pub h D a return to Manchester

BYes. I'd like some ham, please.

a I'd like b Ilike Word order

2 A Is your teacher nice? 15 Write the word on the right in the correct place BYes. __ her very much. in the sentence.

a llike b I'd like a 1 I'd lik';Z glass of wine, please. a

3 A _ _ learning English?

B Yes, I do. It's interesting. 2 Would you like cake? some

a Would you like b Do you like 3 We don't have cheese. any

4 A I'm thirsty!

B What to drink? 4 What would you like drink? to

a do you like b would you like 5 Can I have stamps, please? some

6 'James, you like cooking?' 'No, I don't: do 5 A What can I get you?

B J{j like ~ please.

a a co*ke b co*ke 7 Here are your apples. Do you want else? anything

6 A Who's next? Yes, Madam!

B I'd like __ , please.

a some apples b apples Would you like ? ••••

I'd like some ...

Do you like c;> • •• •

Unit 12 • Please and thank you 75

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Colours and clothes • Present Continuous • Present Simple or Continuous • Opposite verbs -leave/arrive • What's the matter?

Here and now

Colours and clothes 1 What colour are these things? 2 Look at the pictures and complete the crossword.

1 a London bus


2 a New York taxi


3 milk

4 the sea

5 grass

6 the night

7 chocolate

8 clouds

black blue red brown

green yellow

grey white

76 Unit 13 • Here and now

IS U I T 2 4



8 9 10



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Present Continuous She's wearing/talking

3 Complete the sentences. What are the people wearing? What are they doing?

Anna's wearing a jacket aHd top

She's talkiHg OH the phoHe .

4 I 'm . _____ my pypmas.

I'm a book.


2 Paul's wearing ____ ~

__ sitting in a cafe.

5 We _ ___ school uniform.

We studying in class.

3 The kids are _ _____ _

and T-shirts.

_______ for a bus.

6 Fay _____ jeans.

_ _ _____ an emaiJ.

4 rtl Complete the questions and answers about the people in exercise 3.

1 Who's AHHa talkiHg to? 4 What __ you ?

She's talkiHg to her boyfriend. I A History of Europe.

2 What's ? 5 What studying?

He's a coffee. We Physics.

3 Where going? 6 Who to?

to school. She friends on FaceBook.

Unit 13 • Here and now 77

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5 Cil Look at the two pictures. Write what isn't happening in picture B.

In picture III the man iSH't weariH9 a jacket. S the boys

2 the children 6 the SW)

3 the woman 7 the ducks

4 the dog 8 the boy and girl

Present Simple or Continuous? wear/are wearing

6 Cil Write the verb in bold in the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

wear speak

I Police officers and firemen wear a uniform. 7 Our teacher English fluently.

2 What's that perfume you're weariH9 ? It's lovely! 8 That's Olga over there! She to Hans.

live (not) work

3 The President in the White House. 9 My father any more. He's retired.

4 I with an English family while I'm in 10 I'm on holiday this week, so I ____ _

London. (not) rain

have 11 It _____ much in the Sahara.

S You can't speak to Pete. He _____ a shower. 12 It . We can go out now.

6 I three sisters.

78 Unit 13 Here and now

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Reading Today's different

7 rt1 Read about Isabe! and Mark. Answer the questions.

Today is different!



"On Saturday mornings I usually get up

late and do the housework. Then I meet

some friends in town for lunch, and go shopping in the afternoon. In the evening

I go to the cinema, or go to a party . ••

But this Saturday is different! Today Isabel is getting married. She got up early and put on her wedding dress. Now she's in church with all her family and friends. She's wearing a white dress, and her new husband is standing next to her.

"On Christmas Day we usually all go to my parents' house. We open our presents, then

have a big lunch at about 2.00. After that

we play games and watch TV.··

But this Christmas is different! Mark and his wife, Donna, are in Australia, and it's summer. They're having Christmas with Donna's parents, who are Australian. This morning they went swimming, and noW they're having a barbecue and cooking lunch on the beach. It's hot, and they're wearing shorts.

What does Isabel usually do on Saturdays?

2 What is special about today?

3 Where is she?

4 What did she do this morning?

5 What is she wearing?

6 What does Mark usually do on Christmas Day?

7 Where is he today? Why?

8 What did they do this morning?

9 What are they doing now?

10 What are they wearing'

Vocabulary Opposite verbs

8 rt1 Complete the sentences with the opposite verb in the correct form.

1 A Hi, Dave! Are you leaving the party already?

B Actually, I'm just arriving!

2 A Why are you selling your house in London?

B Because we're _____ a house in the


3 A I love Italians. TIley're so passionate!

B I love them, too. But I pasta!

4 A Can we go now? I'm bored.

B No! J want ! It's really


5 A Can I ask a question'

B Sure. But I'm not sure if! can _ ____ it.

6 A Hi, Ben! Do you want to play golf today?

B Sorry! I'm _____ . Another day.

7 A What time do you start work?

B 90' dock.

A And what time __ you _____ ?

B 5.30 in the afternoon.

8 A What's the score'

B 3-\.

A Are we winning?

B No, we're _ _ __ _

9 A Excuse me! Can you open the door for me'

B With pleasure!

A That's very kind. And can you _____ it

after me?

B Of course I

10 A My computer isn't working.

B Well, turn it off, wait a minute, then __ it

__ again. That usually works.

Unit 13 • Here and now 79

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Everyday English What's the matter?

9 Complete the sentences with words from the boxes.

tired hungry cold bored

<ID .. 0 ~

0 0 0

I I'm tbirsty 2 I'm ---- 3 I'm _ _ _ _

I hot worried angry a headache a cold , /

- 0, / \

4 I'm ---- 5 I'm ___ _

6 I'm _ __ _ 7 I have ___ _ 8 I'm ___ _ 9 I have ___ _ 10 I'm ----

10 rtl Match a line in A with a line in B.


1 I'm thirsty. a D Why don't you take some aspirin7 6 I'm hot. f D Why don't you go for a swim?

2 I'm hungry. b D Why don't you have an early night? 7 I'm bored. g o With me? Oh, dearl What oid I do?

3 I'm cold. c IT] Here! Have some waterl

d D Well, why don't we go out and have 4 I have a headache. something to eat?

8 I'm angry. h D Read this book. It's brilliant!

9 I'm worried. i D Well, take some aspirin and go to bed!

5 I'm t ired. e D Put on my jumper! It's lovely and warml 10 I have a cold. j D What's new? You're always worried!

80 Unit 13 • Here and now

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Don't forget! Present Continuous

II Complete the chart.

Present Continuous

Positive Question Negative

I I'm working Ami working I'm not working

You You oren~ working

He/She She's working

It Is it working 7

We We aren't working

They Are they working?

12 Write the -ing form of the verbs.

wear wearing live living

read make

work have

play sit sitting

enjoy swim

do run

13 Complete the sentences with 'm, is, or are,

1 Where ~ you sitting? Can I sit next to you?

2 I __ studying English.

3 __ everyone having a good holiday?

4 My parents __ working in New York at the


5 I __ not eating because I _ _ not hungry.

14 Complete the sentences with am, is, are, do, does, or did,

I Where ~ you like going on holiday?

2 _ _ you go away last year?

3 What's that book you __ reading? Is it good?

4 I __ reading a very good book at the moment.

5 What this word mean - 'tired'?

6 Oh, dear! It __ raining, and I don't have an



15 Match a word in A with a word in B.

A 8

1 wear a D hard

2 play b D acake

3 make e D your holiday

4 enjoy d DJ a suit

5 work e D by train

6 travel f D the guitar

A 8

7 miss g D road

8 swimming h D pool

9 married i D jumper

10 mobile j D couple

11 busy k D phone

12 warm I D yourf.lmily

a/an and the

16 Complete the sentences with a/an or the,

1 I wear a SUit to work.

2 I get to work at 8,00, I like to be _ _ first person

in office,

3 Would you like __ ice-cream?

4 I'm always tired at __ end of _ _ day.

5 Tun's

6 A What's

B r have

businessman ,



7 I'm reading __ lot.

I'm working

What are you dOing? I'm not running

Unit 13 • Here and now 81

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Future plans • Form filling

• Grammar revision • Vocabulary revision • Social expressions (2)

It's time to go!

Future plans going to study/work/travel . . .

1 Read about three young people.

~c.t-\oot:~ fINI~t-\£D! "' It's the end of school for these 17·year·old students.

So what are they planning to do with their lives?

Alice Roberts

Alice is go ing to study medicin e at Edinburgh University.

' I'm rea lly looking forward to it,' says Alice. 'I 'm going to live with other students on th e campus. I really want to be a doctor and wo rk with children.'

Terry Bradshaw

Terry is go ing to wo rk with hi s fath er, who has a company that imports Ita lian clothes.

'I'm goi ng to spend three months in Italy, ' says Terry. 'I'm going to visit ou r designe rs, and I a lso wa nt to learn Italian.'

Melanie Black

Melanie is going to trave l abroad for a year. She has relatives in Californ ia, so first s he's going to visit them.

' In the new year, I' m going to teach English in Japan ,' she says . 'Aft er that, I don 't really know what I'm go in g to do.'

82 Unit 14 • It's time to go!

2 Complete the sentences with a name.

1 Terry


is going to work in business.

_ _ _ __ is going to be a doctor.





_____ is going to teach a language.

_ _ _ __ is going to learn a language.

_____ is going to live with other students.

_____ doesn't know what she's going to do later.

3 CiJ Complete the questions and answers.


I What is Alice going to <fudy ?

She's going to study medicine.

2 Where ?

She at Edinburgh UniverSity.

3 Where to live?

She on the campus.


4 Who is Terry going to work with?

He with his father.

5 How long in Italy?

He three months there.

6 Who in Italy?

He their designers.


7 What 's Melanie going to do ?

She travel abroad for a year.

S Who visit in California?

She some relatives.

9 What do in Japan'

She teach English.

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What are you doing tomorrow?

4 rtl Complete the questions and answers. Use the words in brackets ( ... ).

A Right, Sally. We need to get together. When can we meet? DJ What are you doing (do) tomorrow?

B Tomorrow IT] I ______ (work) all day.

And then in the evening [I] 1 ____ (go) to the ____ .

A Oh, interesting! What m _____ you _____ (go/see)?

B It's a new French film called Passion.

A What about Tuesday?

B On Tuesday [I] I _______ (have) lunch b~i2Ilf~J with some girl-friends,

and in the afternoon III we __ -'-__ (go) _____ .

A All right. Wednesday. How are you for Wednesday'

and in the afternoon [1J I _ _____ (play) tennis.

A Thursday?

B On Thursday [IJ I ------- (see) Henry for coffee, L;:~~~~~~~~--,

and in the evening some friends ~ _______ (come) for dinner.

So on Thursday afternoon [ill I ______ (cook).

A Oh, very nice. What [ill __ you _ ___ (go/cook)?

B Tomato soup and roast chicken.

A OK! Stop! It's too difficult to find a time when you're free.

Unit 14 • It's time to go! 83

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Grammar revision All tenses

5 (tJ Write the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

Our School

Our school (1) ""ha:::.s ___ (have) one hundred students,

and twenty teachers (2) ' (work) here.

The school (3) (open) ten years ago,

and I (4) _ ___ (think) it is one of the best in our town. I.b::!~~~g~~~~~~~:2:2~§§§~

Our teacher is lovely. She (5) ___ _

(come) from a town not far from here. She

(6) (start) working here last year,

and all the students (7) (love)

her. She (8) (help) us all the time,

but she (9) _ ___ (give) us too much


Now we (10) ___ _ (sit) in class doing this exercise. It's a lovely day

- it (11) (not rain). After the lesson I (12) (have)

a coffee with my best friend, Simone.

The course (13) _ _ _ _ (begin) nine months ago. At first English

(14) (be) very difficult, but now it's OK. We speak a lot better

now! We (15) all (continue) learning English

next year! We enjoy it so much!

Irregular verbs Present Past Present Past

6 Complete the irregular verbs. 1 come ~ GaMe 6 - took

2 buy ~ 7 say ....

3 go ~ 8 <- found

4 <- saw 9 do ....

5 have ~ 10 make ....

84 Unit 14 • It's time to go!

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Vocabulary revision Lists - Monday/Tuesday . ..

7 Complete the lists.

Monday morning




January ten



May fifty




a hundred


31 141 5l spring breakfast always get up

._ ......

get dressed - . __ .

H •• •• ............. . .... autumn sometimes

go to bed

Words that go together - tired/work hard

8 Ci) Match a line in A with a line in B.



1 I'm tired a D with my friends.

2 Last night I went out b IT] because I work so hard.

3 This morning I had a shower c D Do you have some aspirin?

4 I love swimming d D in the sea.

S I have a headache. e D and washed my hair.



1 I buy a lot of clothes a D to going on holiday.

2 We live in a flat b D on the Internet.

3 We all went out c D but usually I lose.

4 I'm looking forward d D for a meal on my birthday.

S I love playing golf. Sometimes I win, e D on the second floor.



1 I have a fridge and a cooker a D There are buses, trains, and ferries.

2 Big cities are usually busy b D It's warm and sunny.

3 The weather's lovely today. c D in my kitchen.

4 You don't need a car in this town. d D three languages fluently.

S My sister can speak e D and noisy.

Unit 14 • It's time to go! 85

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Form filling Questions and answers

9 rtJ Read the application form. Complete the questions and answers.




Mr/Mrs/ Mis s/ Ms (please circle)

First name



Post code



35 West ~nd Lane London


Contact information



07Qr?r? 677432


Personal information

Age 23

Nationality Irish

Marital status (please tick)





Interests Languages


[Z] single 0 married 0 divorced

lJampstead lJigh School


Politics and ~ducation

~nglish and Spanish

Tennis and running

DO NOT WRITE HERE Card HOX 4627 Data input NNHG/VCSD/8900

Signahtre }CI1MifeY Kelly

86 Unit 14 • It's time to go!

1 What's your first name ~~~~~~~~-----------------------? Jennifer.

2 --------------------------------------? Kelly.

3 Where -----------------------------? London.

4 ________________________________ address?

35 West End Lane, London.

5 --------------------------------------? NW57GH .

6 What's your phone number?

7 --------------------------------------? [emailprotected]

8 ----------------------------------? I'm 23.

9 Where ---------------------------------, Ireland.

10 Are you married?

11 Where ___________________________ school?

I went to Hampstead High School.

12 Which ___________________________ to?


13 ________________________________ study?

I studied politics and education.

14 ----------------------------------? Two. English and Spanish.

15 ________________________________ youdo?

I play tennis and I go running.

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Exercise 1

Hello. I'm Adam. 2 Hello. My name's Bannie. 3 Hello. My name's Chris.

Exercise 1

1 A Carl, this is Liliana Moretti. C Hello, Liliana. ;\1y name's Carl Erikson. L Hello, CarL Nice to meet you.

2 B Ruby, tltis is Husain Malouf. R Hello, Husain. Nice to meet you. H And you.

3 C Liliana, this is Ruby. Ruby, this is Liliana. L Hello, Ruby. I'm Liliana MorettL R Hello. I'm Ruby Harrison. L Nice to meet you. R And you.


Exercise 8

J Hello! What's your name? S My name's Svana. I Hi, Svana. I'm JefI S Hello, Jeff. J How are you, Svana? S I'm fine, thanks. J Where are you from, Svana? S I'm from Oslo. I Oh! Is that in Sweden' S No! It's in Norway. of course!


J Oh, yes! Look at that girl! Over there! S Yes, her name's lngrid. I Where's she from? S She's from Norway, too. I Is she a friend? S She's my sister. I Oh!

Exercise 13

Hi! My name's Sofia. I'm from Berlin. in Germany. I'm married. ['m a teacher. My school is in the centre aftown. My students are from the United States. They're all American! All fifteen of them!

Hello! My name's Adam. I'm from Sydney, in Australia. I'm married. I'm a doctor. •

88 Tapescripts

My hospital is in the centre of town. It's a fantastic building! TI1e doctors are really good!

Exercise 14

1 She's a teacher. 2 He's ,l doctor. 3 His name's Adam. 4 Her name's Sofia. 5 He's married. 6 She's married. 7 Her students are from the US. 8 He's from Sydney.

Exercise 17

fifteen twenty-one twenty


Exercise 10

twenty-eight twenty-five twenty-two

Interviewer Hi! EDa Hello! I You're Ella, right? E That's right.

nineteen hvelve thirteen twenty-six

I So ... I knmv your first name's Ella, but what's your surname?

E My surname is Smith. I Ah! Smith! OK. How old are YOll, Ella' E I'm 23. I 23. AJld you live in Brooklyn, right?

What's your address? E My address is 209, Park Place, New York,

NY 1121 7. I ... Park Place, New York. AJld your phone

number at work? What's your telephone number at work?

E It's 212-786-5893. .. . 786-5893. And your cell phone? What's your cell phone number?

E It's91 7-438-672L ... -438-6721. Now, you work in newspapers, but what's your job?

E I'm a journalist. I Oh, wow! How interesting! And are

YOll married? E No, I'm not. I Thank you, Ella. Thank YOll very much. E My pleasure.


Exercise 5

My wife's name is Kim. Our house is nice, but it isn't very big. It's small. It's in north London. Yeah, it's a small house. My sister, Alice, has a house in our street - it's just two minutes from our house. Our children and her children are at the same school, and that's really nice. Alice has three chi ldren and we have two - two children and a dog, Ben. My daughter's name is Penny, and my son's name is Archie. The children's school is near our house, so that's good, but my wife's office is miles from our house - about twenty miles. My job is in the centre of town, that's no problem. We're botb happy in our jobs, so that's ok. We aren't rich, but we're happy.

Exercise 12

A Good morning. 1he British Tourist Authority. .

B HelJo. Can you give me some information about hotels in London, please?

A Of course. Your name is? B Alfonso MoreilL A MORR ... B No, no! M-O-R-E-double L-J. lust one R. A Thank you. And what's your email

address? B [emailprotected]. A I' ll emai l you some information today. B That's very kind. Thank you very much.

Goodbye. A My pleasure. Goodbye.


Exercise 1

I Do you like co*ke? Yes, 1 do. It's great!

2 Do you like football? No I don't It's terrible!

3 Do you tike pizza? Yes I do. It's delicious!

4 Do you like skiing? Yes I do. It's fantastic!

5 Do you like lames Bond films? Yes I do. They're exciting!

6 Do you like coffee? No I don'!. It's awful!

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (87)

Exereise 8

Int Hi, Gracie. Can I ask YOll a few questions about your parents?

Grade Of COll.Tse. No problem. I Now, your parents live in Spain. don't

they? G 'Dlat's right. They have a house in Seville.

They don't li ve in England any more. I Oh! Very nice! Mmm ... do they speak

Spanish? G They speak a little Spanish, yes. I Oh, interesting! And what do they do

in Spain? Do they play golf? Do they go swimming?

G They're both quite old now, so they don't do a lot. They're in a tennis club, so in Spain they play tennis.

I Do they work? Do your parents still work?

G No, they don't. They don't work at all now. I And you live in England, don't you?

Where do you and your husband live? G We don't live in England. We have a house

in Scotland. And do your mother and father come to visit?

G Oh, yes! My parents come to our house in summer.

I And ... do they play tennis in Scotland ' G No. We all play golf together. We love

golf! Oh, lovely! And do you all go out to restaurants?

G No, not really. We eat at home. I love cooking. So we don't eat in restaurants.

I Well, thank you very much. That's very interesting.

Exercise 16

A Excuse me! How much is this French-English dictionary?

BIt's £15.75. A 'Dlank you.

2 A Hi. A cup of coffee, please. B To have here or take away? A To have here. B Small or large? A Small. How much is that? B £1.55. A Thanks.

3 A How much are those jeans? B The blue ones? A Yeah. B They're S45. A Er ... OK.

4 A The Times, please. B 90p. A Thanks.

5 A Can I help you? B Yes. A hambuger, please. A Anything to drink? B No, just a hamburger. A £2.50. B Thanks.

6 A A slrawberry ice·cream, please. B There you are, little girl. A How much is that? B 80p.

7 A How much is this orange? B Just the one? A Yeah, just tl,is orange. B Er ... SOp.

S A Can I have this CD, please' B Sure. That's £13.99, please. A Thank YO ll very much.


Exereise 3

A Excuse me! What time is it? B It's three-thirty. A Thank you very much. B That's OK.

C Excuse me! Do you have the time, please? D Sure. It's exactly ten o'clock. C Thanks a lot. D That's all right.



In a cafe A Can I have a cup of tea, please? B Sure. Anything to eat? A Yes. Can I have a piece of chocolate cake? B or cuurse. Here you are. A How much is that? B That'~£4.60, please.

2 In a clothes shop C Do you have this T-shirt in a medium,

please? D I'll have a look for you. C Thanks. D Yes. Here you are. C Oh! Thank you. Can I try it on, please? D Certainl y. The changing rooms are over


3 In a train station E Can I have a ticket to Brighton. please? F Do you want a single or a return? E A single, please. F That's £25.50, please. E Can I pay by credit card? F Sure. Put your card in the machine.

And enter your PIN. Now take your card.


Exereise 11

Go down the High Street. Turn right into Riverside. It's on the right, next to the supermarket.

2 Go down the High Street. It's on tbe right, next to the post office, on the corner of School Lane.

3 Go straight on down the High Street. It's on the left, next to the Park Hotel.

4 Go down the High Street. Turn left into Albion Street. It's 0 11 the left, near the bridge.

S Go straight on down the High Street. Turn right into School Lane. It's on the right.


A Excllse me! Is there a bank near here? B Yes. Go straight on. It's on the left, next

to the chemist's. A Thanks a lot.

2 C Excuse me! How do I get to the railway station?

D Go down the High Street. Turn left. Go down Albion Road. It's near the bridge, on the left.

C That's very kind. 'Dlank you.

3 E Excuse me! How do I get to the sports centre?

F Go down the High Street. Go past the post office, past School Lane. It's 0 11 the right, next to the cinema.

E Thank you very much.

4 G Excuse me! Is there a supermarket near here?

H Yes. Turn right into Riverside. It's 011

the right next to the thearre. near the river.

G Thanks. Bye!


Exereise 1

two thousa nd and six 2 two thousand 3 two thousand and ten (twenty ten) 4 two thousand and fifteen (twenty fifteen) 5 two thousand and twenty (twenty twenty) 6 nineteen ninety- fi ve 7 nineteen ninety 8 nineteen eighty-two 9 nineteen sixty 10 nineteen sixteen

Exercise 2

I 2009 2 2002 3 201 2 4 1999 5 1987 6 1960

Exereise 5

1 My mother was born in Chicago in 1960. 2 My fa ther was born in New York in 1958. 3 I was born in 1985.

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4 My grandparents weren't born in the United States.

5 My mother's parents were born in Sweden.

6 My fath er's parents were born in Ireland.

Exercise 6

1 My mother is a pharmacist. 2 My father is a professor. 3 They were at university together. 4 My father's parents were very poor. 5 My mother's parents weren't married in

Sweden. They met in the States. 6 Grandpa Fredrik was an engineer. 7 Grandma Smilla was a piano teacher. 8 Pat and Paddy weren't happy at h rst.

Life was very hard for them.

Exercise 15

18th April 2 2nd June 3 3rd September 4 15th January SlOth May 6 25th December


Exercise 9

I A I watched the football on TV last night. B Oh, did you? Was it a good match' A Yes, it was great. Arsenal played really

well. B What was the score? A Arsenal won 2-l.

2 C I went to Amy's house for a meal on Sunday.

D Ob, really? What did she cook? C An Italian dish - lasagne. o Mmm! Was it good? C It was delicious!

3 E I went shopping on Saturday. F Did you? W here did you go? E That new shopping centre in Hendon. F Did you buy anything? E I bought a birthday present fo r you!

Happy birthday!

4 G J stayed at hOllle aU weekend! H Oh, dea r! What did you do? G I did the housework. The hOllse was so

dirty! H Was it? Is it clean now? G Oh, yes! But it was such a boring


Exercise 15

A Hello. Can I have a map of the town, please?

B Of course. Here you are. A Can you show me where we are on the


90 Tapescripts

B We're here in the city centre. Where do you want to go?

A The cathedral. Can you give me some information about it?

2 B Certainly. What do you want to know? A Is it far from here? B Not at all . Jus t five minutes. A '¥hat time does it open and what time

does it close? B It opens at 9.00 and closes at 6.00. A And how much is it to get in ? B It's free.


Exercise 3

Can you play the piano, Mike? Yes, I can.

2 Can you ride a horse? No, I can't.

3 Can you speak Spanish ? Yes, I can.

4 Can you dance? Yes, I can.

5 Can you play chess' No I can't.

Exercise S

I I can play the guitar a little bit. 2 My sister can't cook at all. 3 We can speak English quite well. 4 1 can't understand a word she says. 5 I can't see YOll on Thursday. Sorry. I'm

busy. 6 Peter can dance really well. 7 We can't go shopping. We don't have any

money. S You can all come to my house.


1 A Can I have a coffee, please? B Sure! To have here or take away?

2 A Can YOll open the door for me, please? B With p leasure! Do you want me to

carry something for you?

3 A Can YOll turn your music down, please? B I'm sorry. I didn't know it was so loud.

4 A Can you give me the sa lt and pepper, please?

B Of course! Here you are!

Exercise 12

1 A I can't turn on the T V! B Push this button.

2 A Excuse me! I'm lost. Where's the town centre?

B Go straight down here.

3 A This printer doesn't work! B I know. It broke down yeste rday.

4 A I don't unde rstand what it says. B Give it to me. maybe I can do it for you.

5 A Oh, no! I can't find my plane tickets! B Calm down! They're in your pocket!


Exercise 5

A What wOllld you like to drink? B J don't know. A Would you like a glass of .. vine? B Er ... I don't like wine. A Would you like a glass of beer? B Ugh, no! J don't drink beer! A Would you like a co*ke? B Yeah, a co*ke would be great! Thanks.

2 A What would you like to do tonight? B I don't know. A Would you like to go to the cinema? B No. I don't feel like going to the cinema. A Would YOll like to go out for dinner? B No. I'm not hungry! A Would you like to stay home and watch

TV? B Now that's a great idea! I'd love to stay

home and watch TV! Maybe we can have a pizza!

Exercise 7

A It's your birthday ne>...""! week, isn't it? How old are you?

B Don't ask! Too old' A What would you like for your birthday?

I'd like to buy you a present! Something nice!

B Well, that's very kind. A What sort of things are you interested in?

What do you like doing? B Well, one of my big passions is reading. I

love reading. A And you like cooking, don't you? B Yes, it's true. I love cooking. A Right! That's easy! I'll buy you a cook

book! Then you can read and cook! B That would be lovely! Thank you!

Exercise 9

I chip ship 2 cheap sleep 3 steak make 4 soup group 5 food rude 6 cheese please 7 good would 8 pie my


Exercise 10

A I'm thi rsty. B Here! Have some water!

2 A I'm hungry. B '-"'ell, why don't we go out and have

someth ing to eat?

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (89)

3 A I'm cold. B Put on my jumper! It's lovely and


4 A I have a headache. B Why don't you take some aspirin?

5 A I'm tired. B Why don't you have an early night?

6 A I'm hot. B Why don't you go for a swim ?

7 A I'm bored. B Read this book. It's brilliant!

8 A I'm angry. B With me? Oh, dear! What did I do?

9 A I'm worried. B ''\That's new? You're always worried!

10 A I have a cold. B "Veil, take some aspirin and go to bed!


Exercise 10

A How do I get to the station? B Turn right at the church, and go

straight on.

2 Excuse me! Can you tell me the time, please?

3 I hope you have a good time at the party.

4 Thanks for all your help. It was very kind of you.

5 Can I have a return ticket to Oxford. please?

6 What would you like to drink?

7 A rill sorry I'm late. B Don't worry. It doesn't matter.

8 A Bye! Have a good weekend! B Thanks. Same to you.

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Answer key

Unit 1

1 See Tapescripts. Exercise I

2 2 My, your 3 name, My

3 See Tapescripts1 Exercise 3


ElIa, luke, Robert, Ruby, Alice, Harry, first names -

$ophie. Joshua. Catherine

Surnames McKenna. Bond, Johnson. Blackman

5 I B Fine thanks A I'm OK, thank you

2 C How are you? M very well And you?

3 R Hi AIice A How are you? R Very well, thank

6 Across Down computer

5 hamburger 8 bag

2 television

9 car LO phone J 1 sandwich

3 photograph 4 camera 6 bus 7 house 8 book

7 ten nine four six three one eight five

8 I 9 3 5 10 2 7 6

9 3 one hospital 4 three buses 5 four pizzas

7 ten students

8 eight coffees

6 seven teachers 9 six restaurants

ID ninefootballs

10 /s/ /z/

hotets taxis

restaurants footballs students hospitals

photographs pizzas (offees teachers

11 2 A Goodbye! B Goodbye! 3 A Good night! B Good night! 4 A Good afternoon! B Good afternoon!

92 Answer key


buses sandwiches


12 2 Bye! See you later! 3 Have a n ice day!



4 A cup of tea, please. 5 Bye! See YOll tomorrow! 6 Sleep well!

Short form


You are

It is It's

14 2's 3 are 4 's 5 'm 6 Are 7 's

15 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 b

16 2 I'm fi ne, thanks. 3 And you. 4 Bye! See you tomorrow! 5 It's a book.

17 2 My name's Anna. 3 What's this in English? 4 It's a compu'rer. S How are you, Mika? 6 I'm fine, thank you.

Unit 2

Across 7 Spain

Down Australia

2 France 8 England 9 Japan

10 Brazil 3 United States 5 China

12 Russia 6 Egypt II Italy


• •• •• ••• • ••• •••• China

Spain Egypt Japan Hungary

United AustraI~

France Ergland Brazil States Russia


I ~ I Anna Tatiana her

his Henry he

4 b His C His cl Her

5 b She's c He's d She's

6 2 Her, She's 3 Her, She's 4 His, He's 5 Her, She's 6 His, He's 7 Her, She's 8 His, He's

7 2 d 3a 4c

8 See Tapescripts. Exercise 8

9 2 e 3a 4f 5c 6d

10 good, rea lly good, fantastic, OK, bad, awful

12 I England, Egypt, Malays ia. 2X 3~ 4 X 5~ 6 ~ 7 X 8 X 9 ~

Carla and Pedro are in Egypt. Catherine and Anthony are in Malaysia. Ann and lames are in England.

U See Tapescripts. Exercise 13

14 2 He's 3 His 4 Her 5 He's 6 She's 7 Her 8 He's

15 13 thirteen 15 fifteen 21 twenty~one 30 thirty 22 hventy~two 25 twenty-five 16 sixteen 28 twenty-eight 19 nineteen 20 twenty 26 twenty-six 11 eleven 12 twelve

16 eleven hventy~nine

eighteen twenty-four fourteen h'/enty~seven

17 19 12 21 25 13 20 22

18 Short form

I am

You are You're

He is

She She's

It is It's

They are They're

19 I 'm 2 are, 'm 3 are. 're 4 Is, is, '5 5 are, '5, '5

20 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b


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21 2 photograph 3 cup of tea 4 house 5 camera 6 sandwich 7 book 8 bag

22 3 You're 4 your 5 You're 6 your

Unit 3

Across 3 doctor 4 taxi driver 8 nurse 9 shop assistanl

10 bus driver

Down businessman

2 police officer 5 student 6 builder 7 teacher

2 J 's 2 isn't,'s 3 isn't, 's

1 First name, Country, Address, Phone number, Mobile number, Age, lob, Married

4 2 What's his first name? 3 Where is he from? 4 What's his address? 5 What's his phone number? 6 What's his mobile number? 7 How old is he' 8 What's his job? 9 Is he married?

5 2 He isn't frolll Australia. He's from England.

3 His isn't 23. He's 26. 4 He isn't a student. He's an engineer. S He isn't married.

6 3 Yes, he is. 4 No, he isn't. 5 No, he isn't. 6 Yes. he is.

7 2 Peter isn't a taxi driver. He's a bus driver. 3 We aren't from Spain. We're from Italy. 4 I'm not married. I'm Single. S Vou aren't a nurse. You're a student. 6 Paul and DonllY McNab aren't doctors.

They're singers in a hand.

82 a 3b 4b Sa 6b

9 2 Is Ba frol11 Sweden? 3 What's his job? 4 Where are they on tour? 5 Is Lisa with the band?

10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10

11 See Tapescripts, Exercise lO

12 2 interesting 3 band, singers 4 City, town 5 tired 6 different 7 station 8 here 9 understand 10 excited

13 2 I'm sorry. 3 That's all right. 4 Excllse me! 5 I don't understand. 6 I don't know.


Positive Negative

I am

You are You aren't

He is

She She isn·t

It is It isn't

We We aren't

They are Theyaren·t

15 2b 3 b 4b 5b 6b

16 2 frOlU 3 in 4 of 5 of 6 on 7 of 8 in, of 9 at 10 with

17 12 21 75 50 15 8 42 10 38

18 forty· live seven sL'ty-eight one hundred

Unit 4

Bonny's, 3 Nick's, 4 Alice's 1 2 5 Suzie's 6 Harry's 7 Kate's 8 Sarah's

2 2


Her 3 Our 4 your 5 His 6 Their

Across 7 father 8 son 9 mother

10 wife

Down I parents 2 daughter 4 husband 5 brother 6 sister

4 3 She has 4 They have 5 She has 6 He has 7 They have 8 He has 9 She has

5 3 ~ 4~ 5 X 6X 7 ~ 8 X 9~ lOX

6 2 his sister's 3 his daughter'S 4 his son's 5 his dog's

7 2 has 3 her 4 children's 5 wife's 6 We're

8 3~ 4X 5 ~ 6 X 7 X 8~ 9X

9 2f 3e 4c 5 h 6d 7 a 8b

10 3 Their 4 They're 5 Their 6 they're

11 1 sc h oo l 5 daughter 2 hu s band 6 hospital 3 IN i fe 7 nu r s e 4 so n 8 friends

12 See Tapescripts. Exercise 12

13 your her our

14 have has have have

15 2a3b4a5a6b


Places People Things

town accountant bag country police officer car village sister dictionary

apartment waiter bus



job family


Unit 5

Across 4 tennis 6 pizza 7 ice cream 9 coffee

11 football 12 hamburger

2 3 I like beer.


schools cars

cities babies

addresses sandwiches

children people

Down wine

2 swimming 3 ski ing 4 tea 5 beer 8 co*ke

lO orange

4 I don't like swimming. 5 We like skiing. 6 They like wine. 7 We don't like football. 8 You Like ice-cream. 9 They don't like Chinese food.

3 See Tapescripts. Exercise 3

4 2 have 3 live 4 have 5 speak 6 swim 7 eat 8 drink 9 like 10 want

5 2 What's your father's job? 3 Where do you live? 4 What do you eat?

6 2 do YOll have 3 do YOll drink 4 do YOll like

7 2 don't drink 3 don't live 4 don't live 5 don't

8 See Tapescripts, Exercise 8

9 2 do, do, Do 3 Do they both 4 do,live 5 do YOll, go

Answer key 93

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (92)

10 2 don't do


3 They don't 4 don't live 5 we don't cat

•• •• English Spanish Chinese German

••• ••• • ••• Arabic Japanese

Italian American

Mexican Portuguese Brazilian

12 2 American 3 German 4 Japanese 5 Arabic 6 Italian 7 Mexican 8 Chinese 9 Brazil ian 10 Spanish

13 48, 35, eighty-one, ninety 15, 72, sixty, fifty-nine one hundred

14 £25.99 twenty-five pounds ninety-nine p £4.50 four pounds fifty 95p ninety-five p £32 thi rty-two pounds £79 seventy-nine pounds £2.15 two pounds fifteen $65 sixty-five dollars SO€ eightyeuros £ 1.20 one pound twenty

15 3 forty p 40p 4 eighty-eight pounds £88 5 twelve pounds sixty £12.60 6 seventy- fi ve CllroS 75€ 7 onc pound twenty £1.20 8 thi rty dollars $30

16 See Tapescripts, Exercise 16

17 Positive Question


You You work Do you work?

We We work Do we work?

They They work

18 2a3a4b5 b


1 don't work

We don't work

They don't work

19 2 speak 3 work 4 have 5 play 6 come

20 2 a 3 an 4 an 5 a

21 2 We live in a big house in London. 3 I'm a waiter. 4 I work in an Italian restaurant. S They have an office in the centre of town. 6 Jamie is an English teacher.

22 2 I have a small flat. 3 Italian people are nice. 4 I don't like Chinese food. 5 My father has an important job.

94 Answer key

Unit 6

2 three o'clock 3 eight thirty 4 six forty-five 5 two forty-five 6 twelve o'clock

2 2 7.30 3 three oClock 4 10.45 5 2.30

3 See Tapescripts, Exercise 3

4 I 7.00 o'clock. 2 do you have 3 do you go 4 do you watch, watch

5 3 He has 4 She leaves 5 He does 6 She watches 7 He lives 8 She works

6 1 has 2 goes 3 has 4 leaves 5 does 6 lives 7 has 8 watches

7 2 does she go 3 does she have 4 doesshe do 5 does George live 6 does he have 7 does he 8 does he do

8 2 does 3 She loves 4 She likes 5 She likes 6 She likes 7 She loves 8 She loves 9 She reads

9 2 doesn't 3 doesn't 4 don't 5 doesn't

10 2 am 3 Is 4 is 5 Do 6 do 7 is 8 Do 9 do 10 are 11 Does 12 does


IzJ 151 /izJ lives plays eats does cooks teaches has works


12 20n 3at 41n Son 6at 70n 8 No 9 No 10 No

13 Across 6 drink 7 watch 8 play 9 drive

10 lunch 12 languages 13 early

15 2 do they go

Down 1 work 2 office 3 listen 5 shopping 9 dinner

10 live It have

3 does M ichelJe do 4 does he 5 does he 6 does he work

16 2 No, she doesn't. 3 Yes, he does. 4 Yes, they do.

17 2 doesn't 3 don't 4 doesn't have

18 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

19 Positive Question Negative

I don't work

You work Do you work?

He works He doesn't work

Does she work? She doesn', work

It works Does it work?

20 3 watches 4 cooks 5 work 6 teaches

21 2 does 3 does 4 Do 5 don't 6 don't

22 2 How 3 How much 4 Where 5 Who 6 When 7 How many

23 2 the 3 -, the, -4 the 5 -6 -,-7 -8 the 9 the, -

10the, -

Unit 7

Who do you live with? What does Vanessa do? How old are your children? Where do you live? Why do you live in France? How many languages do you speak? Do you play any musical instruments? What car do you drive? How much money do you have?

2 2e 3f 4a 5c 6d 7h 8g 9 i 10 j

3 2 When, 3 How 4 Where 5 Who 6 Why 7 How old 8 How many 9 What time

10 How much

In the summer. By bus. In a village near the sea. lane. Because my wife is French.

Three. 6.30 in the morning. £5.30.

4 2 How do you spell your surname? 3 What's your mobile number? 4 How old are you? 5 What's your favourite food? 6 Do you live in a house or a flat?

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (93)

5 2 Why does he drive an old car?


Because he doesn't have any money.

3 Why does she stay at home every day~

Because she works at home.

4 Why does she sit at her computer all day? Because she's a writer.

Object Possessive

him his



us our


7 I yuu 2 her 3 me 4 it 5 him 6 you 7 you, me 8 us 9 them 10 it

8 2 your 3 His 4 Her 5 its 6 Our 7 the ir

9 3 that 4 This 5 1his 6 that

10 2 lovely 3 hot 4 big 5 delicious 6 beaut iful 7 cheap 8 wonderful

1 awful 2 wet 3 awful 4 old 5 cold 6 expensive 7 small 8 happy

11 See Tapescripts, Exercise 11

12 Across 1 shampoo 3 clothes 4 shoes 5 coat

10 postcards II buildings

Down 2 present 3 credit card 6 chips 7 br idge 8 letter 9 stamps

13 2 b 3a 4a Sb 6b

14 2 in 3 for 4 at 5 to 6 to 7 of 8 for 9 to, for 10 with

Unit 8

1 2 living room 3 kitchen 4 bathroom 5 bedroom

2 2 bed 3 cooker 4 sofa 5 desk 6 table 7 laptop 8 armchair

3 2 magazines 3 a toilet 4 a PlayStatioo-5 posters 6 a balcony

4 3 )( 4)( 5 )( 6./

5 2 There are 3 There's 4 There's

5 There are 6 There's

6 2 There isn't 3 There aren't

4 There isn't

5 There aren't 6 There isn't

7 2 Is there, ~Yes, there is. 3 Are there, Yes, there are. 4 Are there, No, there aren't.

8 2 under 3 next to 4in Sin 6 next to

9 Across 4 rain 5 ferry 7 mountains 9 theatre

11 sailing

10 2 railway station 3 church 4 park 5 car park 6 sports centre 7 supermarket 8 chemist's

11 1 thea tre 2 cafe 3 the park 4 railway station 5 the school

Down seafood

2 sunbathe 3 park 6 fi shing 8 beach

10 train

12 See Tapescripts, Exercise 12

13 3 X There are four trains an hour to London.

4)( It takes 30-40 minutes to get into






London from Berkhamsted. 5 X There are several hotels in town. 6./ 7 ./ 8 ./ 9 X There isn't a theatre. but there is a

cinema. 10 X 1l1ere are two pubs on the High


2a 3 b 4a Sa 6b 7b 8a

2 but 3 and 4 but

2 because 3 because 4 so

13 8 12 30 58 25 9 60 42

four seventy-hvo eighty-eight ten

Unit 9

1 See Tapescripts, Exercise I

2 See Tapescripts, Exercise 2

3 2 nineteen forty 3 nineteen ninety-nine 4 nineteen seventy- three S two thousand and one 6 two thousand and five 7 t\VO thousand and eight 8 Two thollsand and tw-elve - twenty twelve

4 I 1989 2 2004 3 1963 4 1945 5 1969

5 See Tapescripts, Exercise 5

6 See Tapescripts. Exercise 6

7 2 was he born 3 were, born 4 was, was

8 2 wasn't born 3 weren't born 4 Were, weren't

9 1 He was a painter and filmmaker. 2 In Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. 3 From Slovakia. 4 He was a coal miner. S No, he wasn't. 6 He .... "as a painter in advertising and

magazines. 7 A centre for artists , mllsicians, and

wri ters. 8 Doctors and hospitals.

1 In Sandringham, England. 2 John, Earl Spencer and Frances,

Viscountess Althorp. 3 The Royal family. 4 No, she wasn't. S She was a dance teacher and a teacher

in a children's school. 620. 7 In Paris. 8 Dodi AI- Fayed.

10 2 was 3 were 4 bought S said 6 found 7 thought 8 came 9 saw

11 2 were, saw 3 said 4 were, thought S came, found 6 went, bought

12 Across 3 home 4 walk 9 shopping

10 shower 1I exercise

Down 1 time 3 housework 5 lunch 6 breakfast 7 work 8 homework

13 April, June, August, October, December

14 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 7th 10th 12th 20th 2 1st

Answer key 95

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15 See Tapescripts, Exercise 15


Positive Negative



was wa~n't



17 2a 3 b 4b Sa 6b

18 Present Past









19 3 made 4 made 5 did 6 made

20 2 ... to the cinema ... 3 J do my . .. 4 ... because it is .. 5 .. . have a shower,> . . 6 What do you do? I'm a businessman. 7 I usually have ...

Unit 10

watched lived wanted phoned listened visited started loved worked stayed


It! Id! lid! played

watched listened

wanted lived

worked phoned

started liked

loved visited


3 bought had did went saw

4 2 went 3 saw 4 bought 6 went 8 visited 9 had II watched 12 had

5 started to listened

6 2 did he do 3 did he buy 4 did he go 5 did he see

7 2 Did he like the film? No, he didn't. 3 Did he have a pizza? Yes, he did. 4 Did he enjoy the party? No, he didn't.

96 Answer key

8 2 didn't do 3 didn't enjoy 4 didn't go 5 didn't know

9 See Tapescripts, Exercis_e 9

10 3 in 4 at 5 - 6 - 7 at 8 -9 on to -

11 Across Down 2 skiing 1 ice skating

4 swimming 6 tennis 8 golf

3 horse riding 5 windsurfing 7 fishing

12 cycling 13 walking 14 rugby 15 sailing

9 football 10 dancing II cards

12 2 went cycling 3 went swimming 4 played rugby 5 went skiing 6 played football 7 went windsurfing 8 went horse riding

14 2 She went with her parents 3 did they stay? 4 didn't do the same thing 5 did they see 6 did they do, on lots of 7 They saw whales and dolphins. 8 played golf, went to the sports club. 9 did the children love, there was

10 They made their own pizzas.

15 See lapescripts. Exercise 15

16 Positive Negative Question

played didn't play

didn't play Did he/she play?

played Did we play?

played didn't play

17 2 was 3 did 4 Did 5 was

182a 3 b 4a 5b 6a

Unit 11

2 can speak Russian. 3 can walk. 4 can ride (a horse). 5 can ski. 6 can play the guitar. 7 can run fast. S can sing. 9 can ride a motorbike.

1 An interpreter can speak several languages.

A pilot can fly a plane. An architect can draw buildings. A chef can cook delicious food. A computer programmer can write


3 See Tapescripts. Exercise 3

4 2 Sam can't run. 3 You can't snowboard. 4 I can't write EngUsh. 5 We can't sing. 6 They can't play the piano.

S See Tapescripts, Exercise 5

6 2 fluently 3 reaUy weU 4 at all 5 quite well 6 reaUy well

7 & 8 See Tapescripts, Exercise 8

10 ,/

play football dance fun see speak

2 Honda.


drink sing ask questions

3 Honda wants ASIMO to live with people and help them at work and at home. 4 Yes. he can. 5 He conducted the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. 6 He said: 'Hello. everyone. TIlis is a beaut iful concert hall:

11 Across 4 fast

Down 1 interesting 2 tall 5 busy

7 delicious 8 wet

IQ young 11 dangerous

3 exciting 5 boring 6 funny 9 sunny

12 See Tapescripts. Exercise l2

13 Positive Question Negative

I can't sing

You can sing Can you sing?

She can sing Can she sing? She can't sing

They can sing They can't sing

14 2 never 3 often 4 sometimes 6 usuaUy 7 slowly 8 carefully

15 2 d 3 e 4 c 5 a 6 g 7 i 8 j 9 f 10 h

16 2 of, to 3 to 4 on 5 with, in 6 with, on 7 about 8 for 9 with IQ for

New Headway Beginner Workbook with Keys - [PDF Document] (95)

Unit 12

1 ./ milk, bread, water, cheese.

1 3 is some 4 doesn't have any 5 has some 6 isn't any 7 has some 8 isn't any

3 3 he have any. No, he doesn't. 4 there any, Yes, there is.

4 3 a glass of red wine 4 some shampoo for dry hair S I'd like to send this parcel, 6 I'd like to buy this magazine

5 See Tapescripts, Exercise 5

6 2 Would you like to dance? 3 Would you like some wine? 4 I love shopping S I'd like a drink of water. 6 Do you like cooking?

7 See Tapescripts, Exercise 7


lel li:1 lu:1 cream cheesE'

soup egg

juice bread beans

breakfast meal food fruit


9 See Tapescripts, Exercise 9

10 Across Down 4 soup 6 chicken 7 apple pie S salmon 9 jam

II sparkling l2 still

I sugar 2 vegetables 3 rice 4 salt 5 cereal

lO salad II seafood

11 3./ 4 ./ S )( 6)( 7)( 8 ./ 9./ lO./


'd like

'd like

'd like

13 2a 3 b 4b Sa 6 a


fish chips biscuit


14 2g 3f 4 a S c 6 h 7 d 8 e

15 2 ... Iike some cake .. . 3 ... have any cheese .. . 4 ... Iike to drink ... 5 ... have some stamps . . . 6 'James, do you like .. . : 7 Do you want anything else?

Unit 13

1 3 white 4 blue S green 6 black 7 brown 8 grey

2 Across Down 1 suit shoes 3 tie 2 socks S boots 3 T-shir t 8 shorts 4 jacket 9 trainers 6 shirt

l2 jwnper 7 trousers l3 scarf lO skirt

11 dress

3 2 a suit, !-le's 3 wearing trousers, They're wai ting 4 wearing, reading 5 're wearing. 're 6 's wearing, She's writing

4 2 Paul drinking, drinking 3 are they, They're going 4 are you reading? 'm reading 5 are you, 're studying 6 is she writing emails, 's writing to

5 In picture B: 1 the man isn't wearing a jacket. 2 the children aren't eating ice cream. 3 the woman isn't wearing sunglasses. 4 the dog isn't eating a bone. S the boys aren't playing football . 6 the sun isn't shining. 7 the ducks aren't swimming on the

pond. 8 the boy and girl aren't talking.

6 3 lives 4'm living 5's having, 6 have 7 speaks 8 's speaking 9 doesn't work lO'm not working. 11 doesn't rain 12 isn't raining

7 1 She usually gets up late and does the housework.

2 She's getting married. 3 She's in church. 4 She got up early and put on her

wedding dress. 5 She's a white dress. 6 He usually goes to his parents' house. 7 He's in Australia. They're having

Christmas with Donna's parents. 8 They went swimming. 9 They're having a barbecue.

10 They're wearing shorts.

8 2 buying 3 hate 4 to stay S answer 6 working 7 do you fi nish 8 losing 9 close 10 turn it on

9 2 cold 3 bored 4 tired 5 hungry 6 hot 7 a cold 8 worried 9 a headache lO angry

10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10


Positive Question Negative

You're working Are you working?

s he/ she working. He/She isn't


It's working It isn't working

We're working Are we working?

They're working They aren't


12 reading making working having playing enjoying swimming doing running

13 2 m 3 Is 4 are S nl, 'm

14 2 Did 3 are 4 am 5 does 6 is

15 2f 3b 4c Sa 6e 7 1 8 h 9j lO k II g 12 i

16 2 the, the 3an 4 the, the S a 6 the, a 7 a

Unit 14

2 2 Alice 3 Melanie 4 Terry S Alice 6 Melanje

3 2 is she going to study? .. .'s go ing to study

3 is she going .. .'s go ing to live

4 's going to work

5 is he going to spend .. .'s going to spend

6 is he going to visit .. .'s going to visit

7 's going to

8 is she goi ng to . . .'s going to visit

9 is she going to .. .'s going to

4 2 'm working 3 'm going to the cinema 4 are you going to see? 5 'm having 6 're going shopping. 7 'm going to the dentist 8 'm playing tennis Y 'm seeing

10 are comi ng 11 'm cooking 12 are you going to cook?

5 2 work 3 opened 4 think 5 comes 6 started 7 love 8 helps 9 gives 10 are sitting 11 isn't raining 12 'm going to have l3 began 14 was 15 are all going to continue

Answer key 97

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6 2 bought 3 went 4 see 5 had 6 take 7 said 8 find 9 did JO made

7 I Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday 2 afternoon, evening 3 summer, winter 4 lunch, dinner 5 often, never 6 have breakfast, go to work/ school, come home. have dinner 7 February, April , June, August, October, December 8 thirty, forty. sixty, seventy. ninety

8 12a 3e 4d Se 21b 2e 3d 4a Se 31c 2e 3b 4a 5d

9 2 What's your surname? 3 do you live? 4 What's your 5 What's your postcode? 6 07988677432 7 What's your email address? 8 How old are you? 9 were YO ll born?

10 No, I'm single. 11 did you go to 12 university did you go 13 What d id you 14 How many languages can you speak? 15 What sports do

10 See Tapescripts, Exercise 10

11 2e 3 f 4a Se 6d 7 i 8g 9h 101 Ilj 12k

12 2 with, for 3 for 4 in 7 in 8 for, by 9 to, on

98 Answer key

5 to, by 6 to 12 to, for

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_rt.bout McIlw1ty Beginner, edition?


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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.