What Is Mel Robbins's 5 Second Rule & Why Is It Important? (2024)

What Is Mel Robbins's 5 Second Rule & Why Is It Important? (1)

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What is Mel Robbins’s 5 Second Rule? How can you use the Rule to take control of your life?

In The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins explains how you can assert agency over your life by just counting down from five to one over the course of five seconds and acting when you reach one. This method is helpful for those who overthink and hesitate on tasks.

Keep reading to learn more about Mel Robbins’s 5 Second Rule and how it can help you.

The Rule’s Main Uses

What is Mel Robbins’s 5 Second Rule? According to Robbins, you can use the 5-Second Rule to:

  • Jump into action
  • Be bold and follow your gut
  • Control impulsiveness

Let’s explore each use in detail.

1) Using the Rule to Jump Into Action

Robbins notes that the 5 Second Rule gives you a tool to overcome resistance and complete tasks—especially non-habitual tasks—that previously felt impossible due to anxiety, depression, or lack of motivation.

Mental health struggles and lack of motivation often result in us overthinking our actions. According to Robbins, it takes just five seconds for the brain to convince us not to do something if it isn’t already part of our routine. The brain triggers this overthinking to protect us from possible unknown negative consequences of non-habitual action: When we have the impulse to do something that isn’t part of our routine, the brain generates reasons why that new action may lead to negative outcomes.

For example, let’s say you usually stay home and watch Netflix on your days off work. However, you’ve been feeling stressed lately and know you’d benefit from being active—say, by playing tennis with your friends. You have a gut feeling telling you to change your routine and exercise, but you stop to think about it for just a few seconds and your brain starts overthinking: “What if I can’t play as well as I used to and I feel embarrassed? What if I look silly in my workout clothes?” Because you don’t normally exercise and your brain fears that doing so might have negative consequences, you think of all the reasons you shouldn’t exercise despite knowing you should. The thoughts ultimately prevent you from playing tennis with your friends.

However, if you use Robbins’s 5 Second Rule, you count down from five to one when you first notice yourself overthinking. You can then quickly act on your gut feeling before overthinking overwhelms and stops you. For example, when you use the Rule and reach one, you can interrupt your overthinking and send your friends a text message inviting them to play tennis with you later that day. This confirms your plans and makes it more difficult for your brain to talk you out of following through.

2) Using the Rule to Be Bold and Follow Your Gut

Robbins also argues that the 5 Second Rule can help you be bold enough to act on your gut feelings. (Robbins refers to this boldness as everyday courage.) She sees boldness as listening to your values and instincts while working through your fears: for example, signing up for an art class because you want to nurture your creative side even though you’re afraid you might not be any good at it. In this context, the Rule helps you to be bold by jolting you out of a fear-based rut and pushing you to act despite your anxieties.

To Robbins, boldness is essential to taking back control of your life. Acting boldly helps you find fulfillment as you accomplish more than you ever thought possible and realize how much agency you have.

3) Using the Rule to Control Impulsiveness

While the Rule’s main purpose is to encourage action, Robbins argues that it can also help you to control harmful impulses (for example, impulsively saying something hurtful out of anger). She recommends giving yourself five seconds to calm down before you act. Spending a few seconds focusing only on counting backward—and not on your impulse to act harmfully—gives your brain time to dismiss the impulse, thus preventing you from enacting it.

The First Test of the Rule: Getting Out of Bed

Now that we’ve addressed the broad uses of the Rule, let’s explore how Robbins specifically argues you should first use it: to make yourself get out of bed 30 minutes earlier than you normally would.

Robbins explains that there are multiple benefits to making this your first test of the Rule. First, she points out that there are few factors affecting the test, which means there’s no room for excuses if you fail. Success depends only on your alarm clock sounding and you implementing the Rule: Therefore, if you don’t get out of bed, it’s because you didn’t act when you reached one, and not because something else got in the way.

Second, Robbins sees getting out of bed early as a preview of how it feels to apply the Rule. Using the Rule and compelling yourself to act is difficult at first but becomes easier over time. By using the Rule to get out of bed early, you can feel what it’s like to push through this period of struggle (getting out of bed) and reach the point where it’s easy to continue (when you’re up and moving).

The Science Behind the Rule

We’ve explored the main uses of the Rule and Robbins’s suggestion for first implementing it. Now, we’ll discuss the science behind the Rule. Why does it have such a powerful effect on the brain and help us to fight procrastination, hesitation, and harmful impulses? In other words: Why does it work?

Using the Prefrontal Cortex to Challenge Patterns

Robbins argues that counting backward helps us to take control and live more intentionally by shifting the brain away from our habitual thinking patterns. She claims that counting backward activates the prefrontal cortex: the part of the brain that deals with purposeful action, focus, and instigating change. Once that part of the brain is activated, it’s easier for us to focus on challenging our normal patterns.

Robbins argues that challenging our patterns is necessary because most of us are habitually hesitant to act. Hesitating is problematic because it gives us time to consider how we feel about the choices we might make and actions we might take. Then, we let these feelings control our decisions. Robbins claims that even if we logically know that completing a task would benefit us in the long run, when we have time to consider how we feel about that task, we end up abandoning it if it doesn’t feel easy, pleasurable, or comfortable.

For example, if you tend to procrastinate doing your laundry, you likely know that you’ll feel better once it’s complete and you have all of your clean clothes to wear. But, if you stop to think about how you feel about doing your laundry (it’s boring, carrying the heavy hamper is a struggle, and hanging the washing out to dry is a hassle), you’re likely to avoid it.

Creating New Patterns

The Rule not only primes your brain to change your hesitation habit but also allows you to make quick action your new habit, replacing hesitation and doubt. Robbins argues that if you want to break a bad habit, then you have to replace it with something—and acting on the Rule serves as that new, positive habit.

What Is Mel Robbins’s 5 Second Rule & Why Is It Important?

———End of Preview———

Like what you just read? Read the rest of the world's best book summary and analysis of Mel Robbins's "The 5 Second Rule" at Shortform.

Here's what you'll find in our full The 5 Second Rule summary:

  • Why counting down from five to one will help you assert agency over your life
  • The different ways you can use the 5-Second Rule
  • How to figure out what your passions are and work toward them

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What Is Mel Robbins's 5 Second Rule & Why Is It Important? (2024)


What Is Mel Robbins's 5 Second Rule & Why Is It Important? ›

Anytime an impulse hits, Robbins explains, you have to act within five seconds in order to break through inertia. Wait any longer, and your brain will “pull the emergency brake” and default to safety and procrastination. This technique leverages a concept known as “metacognition,” or thinking about thinking.

Why is the 5 second rule important? ›

A piece of food will pick up more bacteria the longer it spends on the floor. So food left there for 5 seconds or less will probably collect fewer bacteria than food sitting there for a longer time. But fast may not be fast enough. Bacteria can attach to your food as soon as it hits the floor.

What is the 5 second rule Mel Robbins summary? ›

She recommends giving yourself five seconds to calm down before you act. Spending a few seconds focusing only on counting backward—and not on your impulse to act harmfully—gives your brain time to dismiss the impulse, thus preventing you from enacting it.

What is the key takeaway of the 5 second rule? ›

Understanding the 5 Second Rule:

The 5 Second Rule is a simple but effective technique that involves counting down from five to one and taking immediate action. It interrupts the brain's default patterns, disrupts overthinking, and pushes individuals to move forward.

What is the psychology behind the 5 second rule? ›

The Five-Second Rule tells you to start right away. The simple science behind this is that the less time you give your brain to overthink the action you're going to do, the more likely you're going to do it. One of my biggest reasons for procrastinating is the fear of whatever I'm doing getting dreadfully hard.

Why does Mel Robbins' 5 second rule work? ›

Anytime an impulse hits, Robbins explains, you have to act within five seconds in order to break through inertia. Wait any longer, and your brain will “pull the emergency brake” and default to safety and procrastination. This technique leverages a concept known as “metacognition,” or thinking about thinking.

What is an example of The 5 Second Rule? ›

It's just long enough for people to realize that you actually expect a response, and then think it through in their heads. At 5 seconds, people will start to speak up. For example, when you ask "Are there any more questions?", wait silently for at least 5 seconds before speaking again.

What is The 5 Second Rule Mel Robbins quote? ›

The 5 Second Rule The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal you must 5-4-3-2-1 and physically move or your brain will stop you. I was the problem and in five seconds, I could push myself and become the solution. Passion is not a thing, it's a state of mind.

Is the 5 Second Rule still a thing? ›

Experiments they reported in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology in 2016 showed that the five-second rule is really no rule at all. They found that the longer food sat on a bacteria-coated surface, the more bacteria glommed onto it—but plenty of bacteria was picked up as soon as the food hit the ground.

How do you beat procrastination with the 5 Second Rule? ›

The concept is incredibly simple: when you have the impulse to do something, whether it's a small task or a big decision, count down from 5 to 1 and then take immediate action. It's a brain trick that disrupts your natural tendency to hesitate and procrastinate.

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Strawberries dropped on the ground. The five-second rule suggests that if they are picked up within five seconds, it is safe to eat them without rewashing.

What is the 5 Second Rule for anxiety? ›

To implement this strategy, count down from five to interrupt your anxious thoughts, then start telling yourself out loud how excited you are, over and over, until your brain believes it.

What is the premise of the 5 Second Rule? ›

The basic premise of Mel's philosophy is that you can disengage that mental chatter by interrupting the flow of that inner monologue. Her 5 Second Rule is a simple overriding or interrupting of that mental chatter with a deliberate countdown of five, four, three, two, one – and springboarding yourself into action.

What is the 5 Second Rule hypothesis? ›

Hypothesis: Food picked up off the floor after five seconds will collect fewer bacteria than food left on the floor for 50 seconds. To test this hypothesis, we need to pick a food to test. That food should be something that can be easily dropped and easily picked up.

Is the 5 second rule still a thing? ›

Experiments they reported in the journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology in 2016 showed that the five-second rule is really no rule at all. They found that the longer food sat on a bacteria-coated surface, the more bacteria glommed onto it—but plenty of bacteria was picked up as soon as the food hit the ground.

What is the premise of the 5 second rule? ›

The basic premise of Mel's philosophy is that you can disengage that mental chatter by interrupting the flow of that inner monologue. Her 5 Second Rule is a simple overriding or interrupting of that mental chatter with a deliberate countdown of five, four, three, two, one – and springboarding yourself into action.

What is the 5 second rule power point? ›

For each of them, he applies his five-second rule: he puts a slide on a screen, removes it after five seconds, and then asks the viewer to describe the slide. A dense slide fails the test—and fails to provide the basic function of any visual: to aid the presentation.

How do you beat procrastination with the 5 second rule? ›

The concept is incredibly simple: when you have the impulse to do something, whether it's a small task or a big decision, count down from 5 to 1 and then take immediate action. It's a brain trick that disrupts your natural tendency to hesitate and procrastinate.


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