I'm Not Crushing On The Hot Mysterious Neighbor Next Door - Chapter 6 - TokioMisa (2024)

Chapter Text

He’s gonna be so late!

Kid was jumping up, having no time to even think as he didn’t mean to fall asleep in the first place. Much less, oversleep as he’s now tripping over the coffee table, busting his ass, before scrambling towards the front door,

“I’ll see you later!” Kid manages to get out before shutting the front door behind him.

The whole scene had Law waking up in confusion himself because why the hell is he on the couch? When did he even end up on the couch in the first place? And what just happened?

Law is slowly blinking as his brain is trying to process everything. It’s not everyday that Law gets this much sleep and actually stays asleep. So the male is a little groggy with bed head as his warmth just disappeared and now he’s becoming cold.

Swallowing down the whine that wants to come forth, Law sits up fully and just pouts as Lami comes back into the living room after hearing Kid’s outburst and the door slamming.

“Good afternoon brother,” Lami coos as her older brother is being so cute right now.

“I fell asleep?” Law gets out as his brain is coming back online.

“Yep, right on the balcony when you were saying your goodbyes to each other,” Lami points out and Law’s head snaps up at full attention.

He’s definitely awake now,

“I did what? You’re lying!” Law doesn’t believe it as there’s no way he did something that embarrassing.

But sure enough, as Lami pulls out her phone and shows him, there’s proof that he not only fell asleep, but he wouldn’t let go of Kid in the process…

Oh my god, someone end him now---

“I couldn’t help it! I got no sleep last night,” Law tries to come up with an excuse.

Which would be valid for other people but Law is used to not getting much sleep. What he can’t excuse is the fact that Kid was as big, warm and cuddly as his giant stuffed polar bear that he has in his room.

“I agree,” Lami goes along with it but Law lets out the whine now,

“I’m serious! There’s nothing else going on here!” Law clarifies as Lami goes about her business,

“You’re ok, I believe you,” She reassures but the male is getting up and following her around the house,

“Oh no, you’re not brushing me off like this is a normal conversation. I’m telling you that there’s no possible way that I’m crushing on Eustass-ya. He’s just a friend,” Law gently grabs Lami to stop her from continuing as he gets her to face him.

Lami blinks at him before saying, “Are you ok?”

Law takes a second before deflating, “No. I don’t know how to act around him. I don’t do friends.”

Correction, it’s safer to not have any. So he should really end whatever was going on now. Except, it seems his attempts keep failing. Or is it that he doesn’t want to end it?

The sound of a phone ringing can be heard, taking their attention as they both zero in on a cellular device that was not one of theirs.

“Did he leave his phone by accident?” Lami asks as Law walks over to pick it up for it had ended up on the floor somehow.

Turning it over in his hand, he can see the caller I.D. of Killer on it. Yep, this was Kid’s phone---

“Yes?” Law answers it like he’s done it before.

Lami uses this chance to give her older brother some privacy while silence follows on the other line for a moment before he can hear,

“Are you Law by chance?”

Oh? Kid has talked about him to his best friend?

“What else has he said about me?” Law questions as he’s quite curious.

There’s amusem*nt in Killer’s voice now, “A best friend isn’t supposed to give out such secrets you know.”

“It was worth a shot,” Law lightly huffs near the end as he knows he’s not going to get any details from Killer.

“It was a nice try but I was wondering if you could tell me where he might be? He’s late for work and that’s usually not like him.”

Law feels his co*cky smirk coming forth as he plops back down onto the couch,

“A friend shouldn’t give out such secrets, remember?” He voices playfully.

Killer snorts, “You two are on a friendship basis now? That escalated fast from just being neighbors next door to one another.”

Law finds he’s already liking Killer as he seems pretty chill,

“He said it not me,” Law clarifies though there’s no ill wording behind it.

“Yeah, once he says you’re his friend, he takes it very seriously.”

Law smiles at this because it’s true. Kid puts his all into everything he does and say and he’s already been proving it everyday.

“So I should expect him to barge into my apartment at any given time?”

“Oh yeah,” Killer informs and Law feels happy about this.

Where he can use it as an excuse to continue spending time with him. Especially right now as he does have the alpha’s phone,

“Care to give me the address of the mechanic shop so I can bring his phone? He already took off in a hurry and he might need it later,” Law brings up as another minute of being around the alpha should be fine.

And maybe Law was curious to know what his job life was like.

Killer gives him the address and Law gets up from the couch so he can start getting ready,

“I’ll be there within the hour and Killer-ya…don’t tell him that I have his phone. I want it to be a surprise.”

With that, Law hangs up and manages to catch a glimpse of the background on the alpha’s phone. Taking in Kid playing on his guitar with someone else beside him doing the same thing. He presumes it’s Killer and the two look really in their element and happy.

Law can’t help but smile before he goes to get ready…

“I’m not late..per say…” Kid starts off with as he doesn’t have an excuse.

I mean, he does, but he’s not about to disclose this to the boys of the mechanic shop. Even though Killer looks like he wants to say something smart,

“You sure? You could’ve easily said traffic was bad. Or you were fighting someone or hell, that you were changing your tire on your car. Right now you’re making it sound like you were distracted by something---”

“Killer if you don’t shut up right now, I swear on everything I’ll---”

“What’s he talking about?” Wire asks while Heat perks up in curiosity,

“You already found another hot chick?”

“No,” Kid flat out says, “First off, I’m still getting over Victoria,” He says as he’s offended that Heat thought he’d just easily move on from his heartache.

He held a lot of love for a bitch that could care less.

“Secondly, it’s not a chick,” Killer points out and the two males are really interested now to know,

“What’s he look like?” Wire needs to know more questions,

“Dude, I didn’t know you swung that way. You know you could’ve told us,” Heat adds as they’re both supportive of their friends.

Kid is becoming flustered as they’re standing in the middle of a mechanic shop with several other men listening while they work.

“I’m not---you know what, forget it! I was late because I overslept from writing song lyrics all night and Victoria called me like I’d take her back! Are you happy now?!” Kid vents before stomping off to get started on work.

The two are left speechless while Killer follows after the grumpy man,

“Hey, I’m glad that you told her off this time,” Killer continues the conversation as Kid has some time to blow off steam as he gets situated.

“Yeah well, I’m done with her thinking she can cheat on me over and over again,” Kid states as he tosses his bag into the spare locker of the break room.

Killer leans up against the other lockers as he waits,

“She always treated you like sh*t and you deserve better than that,” Killer agrees as he’s been straight forward since Victoria’s been in the picture.

But Kid had been so in love that he was blind to all the red flags and his best friend trying to tell him. It actually caused them to have a huge fight because of it once and that’s when Kid began to open his eyes and see the damage she was causing to him and everything around him.

Thank god he never tried to take her home to his parents

Changed into his work outfit, Kid shuts the locker and faces Killer,

“I’m going to get over her this time, I promise,” Kid lets his best friend know as Killer has been worried about him.

Killer reaches out, giving him a comforting side hug,

“I have a feeling you will,” He says as Kid had reached the point that his heart caught up with his brain.

Where he already spent years crying and in a deep depressive mindset from everything Victoria put him through. But this time, he was handling it much better and in a healthier way.

It might also be due to another reason but Killer wasn’t going to voice it…not yet anyway.

“Alright, let’s get to work then. You’re already behind on two cars,” Killer pats Kid’s back as the alpha whines,

“I already said I was sorry!”

It’s been almost an hour and Law deems that’s long enough…right?

He didn’t want to seem too eager or anything, as he’s already got an excuse to use that he had to go to town anyway. Not that it was for work today since he needed to heal from his injuries. But Kid didn’t need to know that. He’ll just say he got the day off and was using it to run errands, yeah, there you go---

Why is he nervous yet giddy?!

His heart was beating so fast as he found himself approaching the workshop. Feeling it beat as fast as the speed his motorbike was going and there’s no excuse for that.

Or the fact that he dressed up to impress…

Ok, so maybe he’s feeling himself today that he wanted to show off and not because he wanted to look good for a certain alpha. You know, just a black leather jacket to show off his lean muscled body with a punkish type shirt underneath. Some tight dark blue jeans and black heeled boots along with some fingerless gloves that still kept his tattooed knuckles hidden. In no way did he style his hair nicely or even put a fake lip piercing to hide his split lip while making sure his golden earrings shined for all to see. And yes, he used lots of makeup to hide the bruises and such around his neck and collarbone area but since he’s an ‘alpha’, not many would look there to start with.

Besides, he’s just there to drop off a phone and then dip. So don’t ask Law why he took so much time to get ready for this.

Law sees the shop in view now and feels his body light up in nerves. Of course, he had to make his presence known in the most sassy and badass way possible. So he revs his bike up a little before doing a sharp turn until he stops at the front entrance of the mechanic shop.

It definitely gets people’s attention as the boys stop what they’re doing to come out. And Law uses this chance to begin taking off his helmet right as he can hear Kid in the background,

“This better not be some punk trying to start sh*t---”

“Eustass-ya,” Law calls out at the same time.

Kid’s words die off as Law finishes taking off the helmet and then looks his way. Their eyes immediately lock and the alpha malfunctions completely. All with his heart skipping a beat, feet stopping in their tracks as he has to take several moments of Law in.

From the way his co*cky smirk made his heart now beat faster, down to every last detail the male put in, as yep, his eyes took their time going down the length of Law’s body before coming back up.

Meanwhile, Law gets off the bike and is heading his way. His sole focus is only paying attention to Kid and his reaction. Not even hearing the one guy that whistled or the others that were voicing their opinion,


“Who is that? How did Kid meet him?”

“He’s hot for an alpha.”

“He’s an alpha too? But he’s making me second guess if I’m straight!”

“Bro, is Kid hitting that?!”

“There’s no way! How did Kid get that lucky?”

But all Law can hear are the words that escaped Kid’s mouth next,

“You’re breathtaking…”

And this throws Law off because he’s not used to compliments like this. He’s used to ones that say he’s sexy and hot or f*ckable, down to other names meant for the bedroom. But the way Kid was looking at him and saying those words in such an affected tone…

It goes straight to his heart and making him a flustered mess---

“The perfect mixture between beautiful and handsome---” Kid keeps going before Law goes into a shy panic,

“No one asked you to get all poetic!” He sasses before taking the alpha’s phone out and practically shoving it into Kid’s face,

“You left your phone over at my place, idiot, here!” He hurries to get the words out as everything tells him to run.

The others all perk up at this information,

“He did go over to his place!”

“No wonder he was late.”

“I would’ve called out sick, f*ck that.”

“I’d never leave the bed.”

Now Kid and Law were both becoming flustered as the guys all had the wrong idea.

“We’re just friends!” They both say at the same time and the guys all stare at them blankly before chuckling at their cuteness.

“Ah, young love.”

“They’re totally smashing.”

“I’m jealous. I wish I had a caring partner.”

Kid can’t believe that these guys were acting so nonchalant about it!

“Can’t you guys go back to work?!” Kid shouts in an outburst that has the men getting the picture.

“Yeah yeah, have your moment.” Wire encourages as he’s pulling the others away.

“Don’t take too long, you’re already behind!” Heat teases as he laughs while walking with the others.

Killer throws in a knowing smirk before being the last to leave so the two can have their privacy.




Both their hearts were still beating fast along with their faces flushed. Silence falls over them but it’s not uncomfortable as the two genuinely want to get closer to the other.

“I um…” Law tries to ease the situation and his own nerves but the moment he goes to speak, his voice sounded way too affected.

sh*t, this was so stupid. He should leave---

“Thanks for bringing me my phone. I didn’t realize I had left it so that saved me from having a freak out moment.”

Cause god knows he wouldn’t have been able to afford another phone and he didn’t want to worry his parents further.

“No problem,” Law says quietly as he’s too shy to meet Kid’s intense gaze.

“I also want to apologize. The guys were just messing around but it’s good to hear you calling me your friend,” He lets out in a gentle tone.

It makes Law lift his head and take in Kid’s expression. Of how handsome and dorkish he looks at the same time…

It’s so unfair…

“It’s what friends do, right?” Law voices even though it tugs at his heart.

Why did Kid have to be so kind and genuine towards him and looking this good in f*cking dirty overalls of all things?! But he’s straight and he’s in no position to have a relationship like that to start with---

The way Kid smiles and his eyes light up make Law bite back the whimper that wants to escape. As he finds himself already becoming attached…

“You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

Stop, this is too much!

“Don’t let it go to your ego now,” Law says as he darts his eyes away but only for a second.

Because Law keeps finding himself drawn to this alpha before him,

“I was heading to town anyway since I have today off,” Law tells him even though no one asked for his lame excuse.

But Kid is so appreciative, “I was lucky then, thank you.”

That’s it, Law is leaving---

“I gotta go,” Law gets out as he goes to turn away before he feels Kid reach out to touch him,

“Will you be free later tonight?”


Law stills, taking in Kid’s hopeful expression,

“Killer and I are gonna work on more music and I would like it if you came to listen and hang out.”

Why does it sound like a date even though it’s not? He’ll even be third wheeling and probably ignored as the two work on band stuff…


“You did say you were gonna make me your number one fan…” Law was reminded of their last conversation.

Kid chuckles a bit, “I know you’ll be honest with me and tell me if I’m sh*t so it would be nice to have your feedback.”

It takes only one look and Law was caving instantly.

“I guess I could give you some pointers though I’m not that great with a guitar. I can play a few chords but I’m better with a piano.”

Kid grows excited, “You can play?! I didn’t know that.”

Law is becoming shy by the second, “My parents put me in music at a young age and I liked it until…” He trails off as he recalls the moment him and his sister had gotten sick.

He frowns, his eyes going sad, “It’s been years so I’m sure I sound like sh*t now.”

“Hey, music is art. It’s a learning experience and a way to express oneself. It’ll be fine, so I’ll see you later tonight, ok? Give me your number so I can text when I get off.”

Law nods, remaining quiet as they exchange numbers. Wondering why he was opening up so easily towards Kid. On why he felt such a connection with this alpha---

Soon, he can hear Killer calling for Kid to go back to work,

“Coming,” Kid calls back before throwing Law a smile,

“I can’t wait. See you then,” Kid says as he jogs back to work.

Leaving Law standing there for another moment before he’s getting back onto his bike and taking off…

I'm Not Crushing On The Hot Mysterious Neighbor Next Door - Chapter 6 - TokioMisa (2024)


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Article information

Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Last Updated:

Views: 5821

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.