Trafalgar Law Facts: Things You Didn't Know - OtakuKart (2024)

Law has appeared as one of the modest, calm, and collected characters in the anime. He is a calculative and cunning individual but is also good at heart. Holding his motives close at heart, he has done all he could to make sure that the sees them through even in situations that would have led him to death. So we will soon look at Trafalgar Law facts that you mostly did not know about him.

At first, we saw him as just a passer-by Pirate in Sabaody Archipelago, but his role has been central to the successes he has had and that of the Straw Hats Pirates. They have been close allies ever since and have done feats that even they had no idea they could. Because in Punk Hazard, Law revealed his intention to take down Kaido. Semething that even he knew that he had an almost zero chance of doing even if he was to ally with the Strawhats.

But as he has seen them and the feats they have achieved, he decided to take a gamble with them. And knowing that Luffy was going, after all, the Yonkou kind of aligned with Law’s ambitions, so it was a good thing for him. Some things that are hardly known about Law have been revealed; let’s take a look at some of the facts about him that you would find interesting.

The Only Survivor of Flevance

Law was introduced as a Pirate from the North Blue, and he has managed to make a reputation for himself as one of the ruthless pirates. He is also the only Survivor of his hometown of Flevance. The town was filled with infections of the Amber Lead syndrome. A disease that was fatal and had no cure at the time. Flevance was then destroyed by its neighboring countries since they were afraid the disease would also spread to their side.

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A young Law managed to barely escape this incident and ended up joining the Donquixote Pirates and met Doflamingo, who wanted to make Law one of his executive officers. Rosinate managed to free Law from this Pirate crew, and that is where Law managed to become a Pirated and set his sight first on bringing down Doflamingo and his empire.

His Dual Natured Character

Most Pirates in One Piece are rowdy and carefree, especially when it comes to the powerful ones, as they tend to bully the weaker ones and always get their way. Law has been calm and composed in all situations, even in states were he was near death. We haven’t seen Law lashing out in any situation, but we have seen him quite shocked or provoked. But even in situations like this, Law has remained composed to his best, calm and calculative.

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This was seen when he would come up with a plan but then, knowing Luffy, he would go and ruin everything to Law’s dilemma. But since he has been working with Luffy for quite some time, he has learned to accommodate him into his plans and tactics as he knows that Luffy would just barge into any situation and start fights. So this is one of the Trafalgar Law facts that shows that Law is quite a balanced character despite him being a Pirate.

Law and Doflamingo’s Relationship

Law was a subordinate of Doflamingo, and they used to get along quite well. Doflamingo used to see Law as his little brother and would always stand up for him when Giola used to think that his sickness was contagious and would put those around him in danger. Doflamingo’s intentions were to have Law as his right-hand man and wanted to get a suitable devil fruit that would cure Law’s disease.

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Even though Law ended up hating Doflamingo, he is the one who taught Law a lot of things, so in that respect, Law is a little grateful for the things Doflamingo did for him. Because if it weren’t for Doffy, Law would have died a long time ago. So the relationship they had was complicated until the very last moments when Law ganged up with the Strawhats to defeat the Donquixote pirates.

Favorite Meal

Law grew up close with Rosinate, and they were like siblings even though they met later when Law was adopted by Doflamingo. So this led Law to pick up some of Rosinate’s habits, including favorite foods and hobbies. Law used to admire Rosinate and had also adopted his dislikes of food like the both of them hating bread.

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But instead, Law has been shown to enjoy eating rice balls, something that Rosinate used to like as well. So this is one of the qualities that Law picked up from Rosinate. We managed to see his hate for bread when he was invited into the Strawhats ship, and during breakfast, when everyone was eating sandwiches, Law would only eat rice balls because he did not like bread. This is also one of the Trafalgar Law facts that most would not pay attention to.

His Cruel Nature and Hate For Bloodshed

This might come as ironic because we have seen how cruel pirates can be, and they have no hesitation when it comes to bloodshed, especially in situations where they would assert their dominance or gain an advantage. We haven’t really seen the cruel nature of Law in action yet. But for now, we have only heard of his times in the North Blue, where he was hailed as a cruel and cunning pirate.

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Law has shown to be the idea of killing for no reason and bloodshed. This is rather ambiguous because his devil fruit powers do not leave any bloodshed even when he cuts his opponents. So it is something useful for him, and Law had shown to be a good person at heart, as shown in Dressrossa when he helped the giant kids with his devil fruit abilities and cured them in the end. So in some instances, he is as kind as Chopper, and since they are both fellow doctors, then it fits their characters perfectly.

Law and The Meaning of D

Similar to most Pirates, Law is interested in the One Piece but not that he wants to become the Pirate King. He desires to find out the true meaning of the Will of D, and he thinks that through finding the One Piece, he will be able to know the whole truth. So he is also on his adventure to find out, and at this point, he knows that the red poneglyphs hold a clue. But after seeing Robin and his knowledge of the poneglyph, he has become closer with the Strawhats Pirates and believes that it will be easier to find the poneglyph with them.

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The will of D is a mystery that surrounds those who have a D. in their names. Not much is known about it, and even Oda gave little information in his SBS answers when asked about it. He has revealed that, for now, the D still stands as a mystery, and the truth behind the name will be revealed later. One of the interesting Trafalgar Law facts was his full name, as we also got to know that it has a D in it.

He Has a Code of Honor

What we have seen from Law so far is that he doesn’t like any attention, and when it comes to credits, he doesn’t like taking it for things that he did not do. He had shown this multiple times, especially back in Sabaody when he did not accept any gratitude from Jean when he was freed as an enslaved person. He merely pointed out that it was Luffy and his crew who contributed to their freedom.

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We also saw the same thing at Zou when his crewmates credited him for contributing to Doflamingo’s defeat. But he quickly refused to say that it was Luffy who defeated Doflamingo in the end. So even though he played a crucial role, he did not want to take credit for such because if Luffy did not take down Doflamingo, then his contribution would have been wasted.

Mysteries Behind His Wanted Posters

You should know that the most interesting thing about Law’s wanted poster was not his bounty. Law has managed to become a renowned Pirate through his bounty. And after the events from Dressrossa, he had an increased bounty to 500 million berries. Still, this would not be one of the strangest things in his wanted poster.

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If you look closely at Law’s wanted poster, you will notice one of the most interesting Trafalgar Law facts that most people do not pay attention to. On the bottom left corner of his wanted poster, we can see Bepo, one of Law’s comrades appearing facing the other way in a similar manner that we have seen Ussop appearing on Luffy’s wanted poster. This is one thing that their wanted posters share in common.

He Was The Youngest Warlord

Law managed to prove to be a successful schemer when he went high in ranks and became a warlord during the time skip. He wanted to use the influence of his warlord status to push his plans, which we later saw when he executed his true plans for the first time when he went after Doflamingo and even destroyed his SAD manufacturing plant. Then later, he even took out Vergo and then allied with the Strawhats.

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During all that time, Law had become the youngest warlord ever since this title has been created. If you were wondering how Law managed to be a warlord. He did this by delivering a hundred Pirates’ hearts to the Marines, and this is what made him the younger warlord ever at age 26. With the warlord system now abolished, it means that his record will stand for a long time as there will be no one to break it.

The True Meaning Behind His Jolly Roger

To a pirate, the jolly roger of their crew means a lot about their motives and intentions within the ocean. Most people have a lot of speculations about the Heart Pirate’s jolly roger and what it could mean. So we will be looking at the true official meaning that Law’s Jolly roger hides behind it. We all know that Law is a doctor, so his line of identity and pirate crew has some references to the medical profession.

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We have seen several fans trying to speculate that there might be a resemblance between a dying Rosinate and the look on Law’s jolly roger. Because if you consider the looks and how the teeth shape of the jolly roger appears. It looks a bit related. But in the official wiki of the anime and considering Law’s profession as a doctor, the jolly roger has been shown to resemble the overall appearance of a virus, so as the surgeon of death, he has decided to combine both a Virus and a memento to Rosinate with the smiley face.

How He Gathered His Crew

We all know that the Pirates crew shares some strong bonds depending on the type of relationships they have with each other. Mostly the relationships resemble master and slaves, as we saw within the Beast Pirates and even Big Mom’s territory. And we have seen those that treat each other like family from the Strawhats and the White Beard Pirates. We know that Law came from the North Blue and started his crew at some point, but how did he end up recruiting guys like Bepo, Sachi, and Penguin? Let’s find out.

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Bepo is a Mink who was mistakenly swept off from Zou and managed to board a ship that was headed for the North Blue. Bepo was following his brother Zepo when he was just eight years old and climbed down Zunesha’s leg to get a better view of the sea. But as he arrived in North Blue, he was bullied by Sachi and Penguin, and it was here where Law saved him. Seeing Sachi and Penguin now being part of Law’s crew means that this is where he met and recruited them as he wanted to instill discipline in them.

His Sword Has A Curse

One Piece and swords can not be separated now that the anime and the manga have also explored the land of the true Samurai. We have seen several weapons that include unbreakable swords and those that are referred to as cursed swords. Law carries a sword named Kikoku with him, and it is notably one of the longest swords in the series. Law has shown the ability to extend his sword’s length using his abilities, so this also comes as a mystery.

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This is one of the Trafalgar Law facts that most fans do not really look into because all we know is that Law carries a sword, but he is not actually a samurai. Though it is not a ranked blade, Kikokku is a cursed sword, one of the swords said to bring doom to its wielder. Interestingly there seem to be more mysteries surrounding the sword.

If He Existed In Real World, He Would Be From Germany

One interesting thing about One Piece anime is the SBS that comes out with each manga volume. Here fans can ask Oda anything about the manga and the anime, and he will answer honestly. Just that, at times, he would not want to reveal what has not happened in the manga yet, so he might just tell us to wait. But for interesting things like the character’s trivia, he easily reveals it as it doesn’t affect the story.

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When asked where would Trafalgar Law be from if he existed in the real world. Oda answered in one of his SBS and told the fans that Law would be from Germany and, obviously, his job would be a doctor. Oda would assign his characters different jobs from what they do in the anime. But with Law, things are a bit different. We have seen this with Sanji, who would have been a hairdresser in the real world. But I guess all this means that Law would have been a German Doctor in real life.

His Name Is a Reference From Many Sources

One Piece is based on many legends, and if we look at events that have happened in the anime and the manga so far. Some made references to mythological scriptures and even beliefs. Some characters are also based on real-life stories, like Black Beard, who is a Pirate, and his character also made reference to a real-life pirate of the same name who once dominated the seas.

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Law’s name has a lot of references even though it has not yet been officially confirmed. He appeared to have been named after Edward Low, who was an 18th-century pirate and was famous for naval battles during the Napoleon War. Similarly, law travels around with a submarine that is most suitable for Naval battles. As we look through Trafalgar Law facts in this post, we got to learn a few things a trivia about him that has been hidden all over the events in the manga and the anime.

The True Meaning Behind His Coat

Law would always wear his signature hat and coat when traveling and on the back of his coat is a logo with the words Corazon. One fan once asked Oda on SBS if this was referring to Corazon, who is also known as Rosinate. Even though Oda revealed that it was indeed referring to him, He also pointed out that it has dual meanings.

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The coat reads Corazon as in the word rather than specifically to Corazon’s name. So in Spanish, this could also mean heart, and even if this is Rosinate’s code name, then it could also be one of Law’s references to Heart as he has named his pirate crew after it. Hime being the surgeon of death and being a doctor might also be alluding to this, and Law had it custom made, referencing to his unique skills as well.

The True Appearance of Law’s Tattoos

If you are wondering what does Law’s tattoos look like in full. Their true appearance has been revealed in a sketch so we would see them in full detail. In the anime and the manga, they did not appear in full, even in events were Law would be topless because he has never intentionally done that. The closest look we have got on his tattoos was in Dressrossa after Doflamingo beat him up so bad such that he had to receive treatment.

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Other than that, we have never got a full view of his tattoos in the anime or the manga. This is one of the Trafalgar Law facts that will reveal a lot about him and why he has those tattoos. Because this means that he got them at some point, and there might be a reason behind it. On his chest is a tattoo resembling a heart with a smiley face similar to his jolly roger on its center. Then on the back, it is simply his jolly roger as it appears on their ship. The tattoos have been officially revealed in one of Oda’s SBS, finally settling the questions of what Law’s tattoos look like.

The Mystery That His Devil Fruit Shares With a Few Others

Knowing what makes Law’s devil fruit powers so special would mean that a lot of people would be after it. Doflaming worked so hard to get his hands on it and also raised Law so that he would be able to use its true powers on him. The perpetual youth surgery is said to have the ability to give others immortality at the cost of the user’s life, so this means that they will always have a youthful physique and appearance and will live forever.

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Doflaming wanted Law to use this ability on him, and you would think that the Ope Ope no Mi is the only fruit with the ability to grant immortality. But there is just one other fruit with such a strange ability. We have seen the Hobby Hobby fruit that can turn people into toys, thereby granting them immortality and putting their aging in suspense. But this one is far inferior to Law’s as the ability is only active when the user is conscious.

Why Law Uses “Ya” In People’s Names

Questions like this are best answered by Oda himself, and as we have SBS with every volume of the manga, then we already have answers from the creator of the manga himself. Law has shown a tendency to add “Ya” to people’s names when he talks to them. WE know that in anime, most characters have some verbal tics depending on where they come from, which is something common in the Japanese culture. Oda was asked why this is the case in Law’s character, and he had to say the following.

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This is one of the officially confirmed Trafalgar Law facts, and when Oda replied to a question in SBS, he revealed that back in the Edo period, there was a tendency called “Yago” used to distinguish people with similar names. For example, if there were two Mr. Tomekichi, then referring to one of them by where they come from using “Ya” was common. Like Dogu-ya, no Tomekichi would be used to refer to Mr. Tomekichi, who comes from the “Dogu”(shop), so a suffix Ya will be used to refer to where individuals come from, what they do, or what they look like. We saw this when he referred to Ussop as Nose-ya, referring to Ussp’s long nose.

Law has appeared as one of the central characters ever since he met the Strawhat pirates and allied with them. He has played a crucial role in instigating final showdowns between Luffy and stronger opponents like Doflamingo and even Kaidu. So we would wonder what he will be doing next after Wano Arc. But as we know that he is looking for the poneglyphs, then he is likely going to continue his alliance with the strawhats because they are also looking for the red poneglyphs that will lead to the One Piece as well.

Trafalgar Law Facts: Things You Didn't Know - OtakuKart (2024)


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