Lafayette Weekly Courier from Lafayette, Indiana (2024)

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raxj RiiUi gt MARCH 17 1911 snnmnmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmimmE 31 RIDAY CITY ANO PERSONAL THIS IS 1 EH3SS RIDES AST LASTS LONG Woodworth SALE LITTLETON GOLS WITH TAT Your BONDING COMPANY LIABLE Samples and Odd Ends SAY WOMAN IS INSANE THIRD AND MAIN 1 i odd lots and often have small sacrifice MIKE HOWARN IN CITY ENTREATY CAM TOO LATE sale this Pro but NOTICE TO HEIRS CREDITORS AND Mar Janu cred Solonion county last be a I a I a TELEGRAM CAME LATE John at our retail Store 319 and lifts' 321 Columbia street South Side Public Square BODY ON RIVER BANK IRE IN KRON LATS Sale Begins Saturday March I8th and Ends Saturday March 25th 33 DEWENTER COMPANY river soon after its birth and floated Quaintanccs here He conducted a danc 7UmiiUUiiUiUUilUUiUiiUUiUiUiUiiUiUiUUiUlUiUUltUlUR of the 4S thf COfttHDry GofStorv a was 'sone from the head The child evidently had been thrown into the Luke Clary Buck Creek Gunkle Set stables mated late Job the that com three sisters the Evans undertaking parlors was forwarded to Noblesville for ferment The flats were sold Pace of Chicago by Mr Pace was in the and visited the scene lis daughter THOMPSON McADAHS Attorneys Lafayette Ind March 8 1911 NOTICE TO HEIRS CREDITORS AND LEGATEES THOMPSON McADAMS Attorneys for Estate The fastest Bicycle built The favorite of track riders A Al Johnson expect to leave Tuesday for a two visit Mine Watchman Killed While Making His arewell Round Branzil Ind March Pursuaded by the entreaties of his wife Dudley Torbert had promised to quit his job as night watchman at the Hoffman tnine two miles north of here to day Early this morning probably as he was making his last round there was an explosion of the boiler and a little later Torbert's body was picked up fifty feet down a hill He was 26 years old ats and Caps at Half Price Strike Breakers Drive Wagons New York March 15 Practically the entire service of the Adams Ex i press company was put in operation I to day about 100 wagons being man Rpd rrowc rf dribo Lm Ixrwo 'V KJ i JLI my un aaci I have taken the places of the regular drivers and helpers who have been on strike for several days There was little disorder ing school at rankfort for several years The loss on The flats the Ohio Mrs Susanah Matthew Mrs Susanah Matthews widow Daniel (Matthews died at 5:20 a Thursday at the home of her Jnmes Matthews 2912 Stillwell avenue i She had been an invalid for fifteen? vmra anH lion Hanih rOQi il A I OGl C4XAV 11V1 1 complication ot diseases Mrs thews was born March 8 1824 Man Chester Ind and had lived Lafayr ette but one year She was mem ber of the Methodist church at Man chester and was an earnest Christian She leaves the following children: James and Matthews of this city Oliver Matthews of Talbot and Mrs Rowden of Indianapolis The remains will be forwarded to roday neral will afternoon the Smith Boswell at 10 morning and the! fu be held at 2 in' the The interment will be in cemetery It ia the strongest wheel made for Its weight Strong enough for hard road usage The Record 1 mile in 57 4 5 seconds was made on a STREAK RACER July 8 perished The at $75000 In the matter of the Estate of Addison Miller deceased In the Tippecanoe Circuit Court Janu ary term 1911 Notice is hereby given to the cred itors heirs amKleeratees of Addison Miller deceased and all persons 'in terested in said estate to appear the Tippecanoe Circuit Court on Wednes day the 29th day of March 1911 being the day fixed and endorsed on the final settlement account of Ida Miller administratrix of said decedent and show cause if any why such final ac count should not be approved and the heirs of said decedent and all others interested are also hereby notified to appear in said cotirt on said day and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate IDA MILLER of the church performed the court de company the the to the of Marsraret deceased and all persons to appear in Mth'day of March 1911 being fixed ana endorsed on Earl who is gitis at St Elizabeth slightly better to day i is still almost hopless' down the stream to the point where it was found The body was brought to the Bradshaw Schlesselman and will he 1 Miss Helen left for Washington today Mrs will remain with the president he starts for the capital next Sun TrtfliiATVM rinkeve Epizootic Ship Tever ind all diseases of held and xn Vinrcee sheen and dos in a aur prisinely eiiort time with that old reliable AW ANTEETI REMEDY NOTICE APPOINTMENT Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed executor of the will of Joseph Byers deceased late of Tippecanoe County Indiana The estate is supposed to be solvent WILLIAM BYERS fact that the plaintiff in drafting his complaint alleged that the plaintiff was kept out of posses does not necessarily show that the title of the property is in question if a fair interpretation of the plead ing shows that it is a suit by a land lord against his tenant for possession (3) A justice of the peace has juris diction over actions of a landlord against the tenant for possession Boys ind Infant's Corpse No Clew to Coroner Is Called Martin Cadwallader a well known living on the south river road miles south of the city tele Coroner Earl VanReed at 5 Wednesday afternoon that his Must Pay $50000 or James Buck Shortage in Nash Trust und In the United States district court at Cincinnati Wednesday the clared the American Bonding liable for the defalcation of James Buck as trustee of Nash trust fund and ruled that bonding company must pay amount The American Bonding pany was surety for Buck as trustee and when the company was sued on the bond it contended that the co trus tee Charles Richardson of Ohio was jointly liable with Buck for: the whole trust fund and that he was first liable for the shortage The attorneys for the trustee however contended that Richardson was not liable in any way for that portion of the trust fund in the hands of Buck and the court upheld this view The ruling is that the company must pay the full amount of the bond $50000 defalca tion amounted to about $57000 The ruling was made by a special master yesterday and was approved by Judge Hollister The bonding company prob ably will appeal the case to the su preme court of the United States corner State' and' Main streets Lafayette Thursday shortly after 5 a' m' entailing a loss of over $1000 The quick response of the West Side fire department and the fight: made by the firemen were all that kept the flats from destruction Mrs Mary Benjamin who occupies apartments above the Gray company was awakened by the crackling of flames and before she could turn in the alarm the rooms were full of smoke Orjnsby BotHner of Ambia Sues Western Union or Damages John Botliner orf Ambia day filed suit in the loyd circuit court at New Albany' against the Western Union Telegraph company for $500 damages for failure to deliver a telegram within a reasonable time He alleges that on September 25 1910 a telegram was filed in the New Albany office notifying him of the death of his sister Mrs Alonzo Rees but he avers it was not delivered to him until sixty hours later On receipt of the telegram he avers he started for New Albany but arrived too late for the funeral services He avers he expended $20 for carfare lost four days time and suffered mental anguish as a consequence of the failure to re ceive the telegram Mrs Everett Barron Mrs Debra Barron wife of Everett of Hoopeston Ill died at noon of Hoopeston Ill died Tues St Elizabeth hospital follow days ago in the hope of pro her life She was suffering Battle of Medical Experts in Prospect at Melber Murder Trial Albany March 15 A battle of medical experts was in prospect to day when the teal of Mrs Edith Mel ber ejiargp murder of her oj child was resumed before Supreme Court Justice Howard Three alien ists hnvp tPRTifipd thp xvnman pri son i eused is inrane has aiwavs been in isane and whi be until sne dies Tnev Ll i i i syv sue is a xicliiu 01 iinueciie in NT A IT 1 1 OiXLllLy 'Ub AJU1UVL at 'to save her from the electric chair Mr in nnmnQTP tmq tami yy nn tdp iii'ncm KXKKK KJ KKJ KJ A Kj KJ cutor engaged four medical experts Local Court Affirmed The supreme court of Indiana i affirmed the decision of Judge DeHart of the Tippecanoe circuit court in the case of Addaline Irwin et al vs Thom as Everett The court says: (1) It is only in actions in which the title of real estate is in issue that a party is INSURANCE fireTiafeTaccident liability and 11 other kinds of insurance and surety bonds The Brockenbrough Agency Congressman of New York Plays with President on Augusta Links Augusta Ga March 15 President i Taft golfed to day with Representative Martin Littleton of New York Mr Littleton represents Oyster Bay district in congress and is one of the most prominent of the new democrats elected to the house He is a more expert player than the president and the latter did not have much hope of i winning the match The weather was fine again to day the storm of yester day having disappeared Taft Taft until day Theodore retz Theodore retz son of Mr and Mrs Daniel retz of Monitor died at 6 and leaves a widow and two children ni' Wednesday at St felizabeth hospital from spina) meningitis He was taken to the hospital at noon yes terday He was a brother of retz who died of pneumonia last Sat urday Theodore was born 1901 The funeral wull be held from: thn roci lonrn Irriav ni'TO i cr of ill TA TN 1 I 1 lUbh rltv JU I Kvl VV11J ctl4 UL Colburn will officiate and the funeral will be private? The interment will be in the Oxford cemetery In the matter of the Estate of sraret Johnson deceased In the Tippecanoe Circuit Court ary term tun Notice is herebv triven itors ueirs Johnson inreresipn in sain psiaip i the Tippeeahoe Circuit Court on Mon a ay the day fixed and endorsed on the final settlement' account of Arthur Brockenbrousfh administrator of said decedent and show cause if any why such final account should not be an proved: and the heirs of said decedent and all others interested are also here by notified to appeal in said cotirt on said day and mane proof ot tneir Heir ship or claim to any part of said es tate ARTHUR BROCKENBROUCrII Administrator 5 CALDWELL Attorney for Estate THE LAAYETTE WEEKLY COURIER 1K1DAY MAKUM il HAL scant attire When the fire department arrived the interior of the Gray shop twas a 'niass of flames and the burning oil paint and wall paper kept the jfire menbusy ah fire was under control Mr Gray had just re ceived a new suply of paints oils and wall paper which rre completely de stroyed The started in the rear of plate glass in the rear door was broken and several small panes: otk glass in the back of the shop were also demol ished The wood was badly charred and the walls will have to be redecorated A partition separates the front and back rooms of the shop and the damage was nearly all confined to' the back part A steel ceiling kept the1 flamep from the second story of the building and with the exception of a little damage by smoke and water Mrs Benjamin and Mr Ormsby suffered only a slight loss Mr Gray estimates his loss at over $500 with $300 insurance in the Ohio company in the Stinespring agenev the building is about $500 are insured for $2000 in company with Stine spring as agent Another policy is car ried with an Indianapolis company The only theory that can be advanced as to the cause of the fire is spontan eous combustion recently to Mrs Benjamin city last evening of the fire this morning was with Mrs Benjamin last night and with her hostess was forced to hurriedly leave the burning 'building visit for a few days chiefly at rom there they will go to Springs where Mr Griffith's is located and where he has a prepared for his bride The is the son of Mrs Margaret of Terre Haute He is 'a Griff ith Bausman The wedding of Miss Ada Bailsman and Oscar Griffith of Olney Springs Colo took place at the 'home of the parents Mr and Mrs Henry Bailsman on East Washington street rankfort Wednesday at 6 The Rev Arthur Lee Odell Presbyterian ceremony The bride was costumed in a blue traveling suit with hat to match and carried Marehaeniel roses I The happy couple left on the 8:40 Van dalia train for Colorado where they will Denver Olney ranchhome groom Griffith farmer a few phoned two sons had found the body of a male child on the: bank of the Wabash river not far from the Cadwallader home The lads were out duck hunting on the river and ran across the botfy half buried in sediment on the shore This morning Coroner VanReed and Sher iff razier down to the scene of the discovery and found the little corpse still there It was directly oppo site the Jacob Wien farm six and a half miles south of Lafayette 'The" body lay in the sand and sediment about 60 feet from the shore of the i stream It was the body of a male1 child without any clothing on it and evidently had lain where it was found ever since the last high water period Dr VanReed found ihat the child was full grown and perfectly formed It horl Hcrhf hair hnt mnciL nf ho hair urotner oi Hror rerry urirtith ot this city and has many friends and Dispute Over Wages Leaves Hospital Patients Without Attendants Seattle Wash March 15 Twelve nurses employed in the King hospital went on strike leavins 250 natienfs tn be cared for bv I Dr William superintend ent of the hospital and two nurses who declined to join in the walk out The strike followed a refusal of an increase in wages by the board of county commissioners Dr declared he was in sympathy with the nurses and would resign to day March 7 from Hoopeston for treatment at the hospital Her husband arrived this morning and was at the beside when her death occurred Mrs Barren was' 22 years old and was the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Gillum of No blesville Most of her life was spent in Hamilton county She was married to Mr Barreji six years ago Their married life was very happy A few years ago they moved to Hoopeston where Mr Barron was engaged in farming' Mrs Barron had been sick twelve weeks She was an earnest members of the society and was held in high esteem Her husband and one child survive She also leaves a father mother three brothers and The body was taken to and in THE TRIBUNE RACER Rises rom Street Gamin to Be prietor of Cigar actory Michael Howarn is a guest at the St Nicholas hotel He was for years a traveling cigar salesman but is now in the business for himself at Detroit Mr Howarn has been coming to Lafayette for twenty years and has a host of friends here He is a big good natured Irishman and is a clever gentleman There are few better salesmen on the road than Mike Howarn Last Sunday' night at the meeting of the newsboys in Detroit the genial Mike was placed as example of what a young boy of the streets can make of himself Angus MacEachron at one time a resi dent of Lafayette but now in the news paper business in Detroit addressed' the several hundred newsboys and told how Mike Howarn had risen from a newsboy on the streets of Detroit to part owner of a large cigar factory i 1 Ci a buried by the township I A imagination is much clew as to the parentage more vivid than a otherwise the shop and the whole interior was The Wabash township schools will close April 22 Airs rederick Reibel and little son rederick jr of Pittsburg Pa are vis iting the former's parents Mr and Mrs Benjamin Hoffman of South Ninth street Mrs George King and mother! Airs next with relatives and friends in Los An geles Cal John Raymond sr has returned to his home near Brookston having been the guest of his daughters Airs loyd Clark and Mrs i for several days The fine residence of eight miles northeast of or what is known as the tlement was totally destroyed by fire Wednesday The fire originated from a defective flue All the furniture burned Jessie Hemphill has renewed her di Barron vorce suit against rank Hemphill in Barron the circuit court The defendant is flay at totally blind and is now at the county several farm The suit was dismissed a few longing days ago because there was a defect i with internal abscess and was in a se in the affidavit of residence rious condition when brought here Being wholesalers (our Wholesale House at Nos 7 and 9 North Third Street and hav ing road salesmen that carry samples oi all our style Hats and Caps we accumulate Prisoners Threatened By ire Bowling Green Ky March ire early to day destroyed eleven business the Purdue experiment station who oc 'buildings and damaged the court cupiesa room on the same floor waslclse here Prisoners at the county forced1 to leave the burning building in pa ere removed to places of safety whpn it crAn fha i i 1 1 1 JI 1 KKKXA KVC 1 JCl Xi V' LA 1 1 UU1 11 Twenty four horses in the Maginpis npriRhPr ha Inc kv i Cbtl" Earl Allen Improving Allen the Purdue freshman critically ill with spinal menin St Elizabeth hosnital was jHis conaition i hilt orp ici th er love us the way the did damaged by the flames and water The very slight chance that he may recover! Gray Paint Shop'tBurns Damage All 1 Amounts to $1000 ire of unknown origin badly dam aged the Ellsworth Gray painting and i paperhanging shop the Benjamin fiats better known as the Kron flats West lhe sampl which we ship out We now offer these at a great in order to close out quickly All Hats and Cans offered for will be marked the regular selling price Byou buy al one half the marked price or instance a hat marked $100 Charles Brandt Charles Brandt died at 8:35 Thurs day morning at the home after a long illness with lung trouble He was born in Germany seventy nine years ago and served in Company Ninth Ohio infantry during the civil war He was admitted to the home from Alarion county August 24 1904 His died 'at the home a few years ago Mr Brandt leaves a son and a given a new trial as of right (2) The daughter The funeral will be held at 2:30 o'clock riday afternoon and the interment will be in the home cem etery you Bbuy al 50c a hat marked $200 you buy at $100 and so on and so on This Will be a great opportunity to get your Spring Hats and Caps very cheap colts nd are remarkable So sun I jr on Wlfl'PV DICK PUdUniCC we nvnwA at Vir flDCnSC II laUS CtalllftnC Of may ue gDcu TV unrfts wnen an rise your dealer supply you cion take a substitute sena to us oenu for our 3 ree Horse isooks Wells Medicine Uo Lt Uli AN' 4 2 I Will III 5 uj BS yijf gr nj rat Is a Wk Bi a' IB 1 a 2 2 Wf a rzi Crafts i sb 1VV1 W' biA rJksXaayette I nd Deaths for I I Money at I 4 it I I I 1 i I 5 I I If I I I I 5 I' 111 9 I I vV KEKL Ar i J' ft 4 SSi thf COfttRDry GaoaStoro SR ms.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.